A few concerns about the state of this community

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Re: A few concerns about the state of this community

Postby Gemini » December 9th, 2016, 5:47 am

[quote="Timon the great"]^None of those posts are about Timon. I was clearly meaning them in general. I was simply replying to what it means no worries quoted me on, as it is relevant to this thread.[/quote]

Not really. IMNW responded because you basically already derailed the thread and ignored several people's posts.

Look, I don't know what your deal is but this is kind of nonsensical. Nothing in your posts has addressed Amanda, the recent banning of members, the serious rules violations or the miscommunications between members and staff. Which is literally what this entire thread is about.

If you want to post in relation to that - great. Go ahead. We'd like to see other perspectives on that problem.

If not - there are other sections of the forum that are better suited. This one isn't it. In the meantime we are trying to stay on topic and you are making that very difficult right now, dude.

This is honestly starting to get frustrating.
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Re: A few concerns about the state of this community

Postby Azdgari » December 9th, 2016, 6:22 am

Guys, I'm honestly fed up with this.

It takes a lot to get me angry, which I think everyone on here knows, and I'm not one for drama but I've hit my limit. Signatures are a huge part of how we express our individuality here, they're intrinsic to our identity and 275x575 is absolutely not big enough for my drunk MSPaint KovuxNala masterpiece. Which gets to the heart of the issue: I don't like looking at this damn chatbox. Can we put it at the bottom, or maybe move it to a fortified bunker ten clicks away from the homepage? I have a pathological thing where I just -have- to respond to everything that annoys me instead of ignoring it, and the stress totally throws off my tennis game. And that takes us to the crux of the matter: the world issues forum. People disagree there, and it makes me uncomfortable. Why can't we ever talk about something soothing like religion?

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Re: A few concerns about the state of this community

Postby Moka » December 9th, 2016, 7:23 am

^ lol

Hilarious, and since no one will be able to top that, I'm closing this thread now. It's done. There's only one winner.

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