Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby SlayerOfLight » March 21st, 2015, 9:53 pm

[quote="it means no worries"]i am atheist, although i dont go around telling religious people that they are stupid, i respect their beliefs.

you have as much evidence of God as i have of my imaginary friend[/quote]


While religious moralities (etc) can be debated, I don't think wether God exists or not can really be debated since it's more of a personal conviction that may not hold the answer sceptics are looking for. Yes we can point at this and that for evidence, (the restoration of Israel as a fulfilled prophecy for example) but like I said, it's a personal conviction that can be easily dismissed while evolution and science are a universal conviction.

I personally believe God exists, but I have no quarrel with admitting that I cannot prove it to anyone.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby S1mb4 D4 L10n » August 4th, 2015, 3:49 am

I do not believe, though I respect religious people. However, I don't have respect if they try to shove it down my throat (this doesn't include debates, I mean an out of the blue, inappropriate, proselytization) or if they act out against others because of it (cough lgbt rights cough).

If the god in question is a non-intervening deistic god, that is entirely unfalsifiable, the most reasonable route of action is to take a null position. What this means is that if someone claims that this god does exist, we can reject their claim because it is without evidence, and if someone else claims that this god does not exist, we can also reject their claim because it is without evidence. This god is unfalsifiable by definition, and we should take the most reasonable course of action, which is to not believe that it does exist or that it doesn't. Though, this logic is not exactly the same when dealing with gods of different definitions. If one was to claim that a god exists that created the universe 6000 years ago, there is evidence against such a being existing due to the extremely extremely overwhelming amount of evidence that reveals that the universe is much older than 6000 years.

A god as defined by an entirely literal interpretation of the bible cannot exist, due to the extraordinary amount of evidence (which is still an understatement) that directly contradicts the literal interpretation of god in the bible. Those who are reasonable should accept this.

There are many different definitions of god, just within Abrahamic religions, that cannot be covered in one book, let alone one post. So I'm not even going to try and start with that.

I have laid out my thoughts on this subject though, specifically on both extremes of the definitions (non intervening deistic vs literal christian interpretation).

This thread is good sooooooo.....

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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Shadowfax » August 7th, 2015, 2:17 pm

I'm agnostic. I personally believe there is a god of some sort, but neither scientists nor any religion will be able to prove it, EVER. I was bought up as a Christian and went to church every now and then up until I was about twenty, but then stopped. However I do occasionally go at Christmas time/Easter time as I do genuinely enjoy going every now and then. Nothing like a good old sing song in the church at Christmas ^-^

My mother and sister are both Christians though and honestly, they are so private with their religion and I respect their faith so much. Sometimes I wish I could have that faith, but alas I am happy with my views =3 They never push their faith on anyone and as I would be considered a 'sinner' for having a baby before marriage and living with my partner etc, they don't look down on me or have any issues with it at all. Which is why it PISSES me off SO MUCH when people automatically assume religious people are horrible and always try to push their faith on people... Because it's not true. Some do, but alot of them don't. I've got alot of religious friends who you wouldn't even think were religious.

I might not believe in a specific religion myself, but I totally respect peoples beliefs and non beliefs.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Ninaroja » August 7th, 2015, 2:44 pm

^I guess I'd consider myself similar, except I wouldn't use the term agnostic. I'd probably call myself "non-practicing". Ever since my Mum gave me the choice as to wether to go to church or not I have chosen not to, apart from at Easter and Christmas (except my whole family goes then (including my Dad, who has never really gone for my entire life) and I don't have a choice as to whether to go or not).

I can tell she is a bit disappointed that my sister and I aren't as dedicated as she is but luckily for me it doesn't affect her opinion of us or how she treats us :)

Catholocism does have a lot of strict, radical view points but myself and my family do not subscribe to them. I just try to be nice to everyone, which I would think would be preferable to disciminating against people for things they have no control over etc.

I'm undecided as to whether if/when I have children I will raise them to have religion or not. That day is a long time away though so I guess I don't have to worry yet :lol:
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Elton John » August 7th, 2015, 3:04 pm

I believe that the great kings of the past are watching over us. Mufasa, michael jackson (king of pop) and elvis ( king of rock and roll).

..... But seriously, i'm not very religious. I don't respect people if they are religious or are athiests/agnostic/whatever. My level of respect differs from person to person and it has to be earned.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby it means no worries » August 7th, 2015, 6:16 pm

^dont you mean 'I dont disrespect"
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Elton John » August 7th, 2015, 6:23 pm

I meant I don't automatically respect people if they're religious or if they are not. A lot of good people and bad seeds in both areas.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby it means no worries » August 7th, 2015, 6:24 pm

Oh ok!
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby Regulus » August 7th, 2015, 6:58 pm

I tolerate religion, and you have the right to believe whatever you want. But...

Keep it out of politics.

Keep it out of education.

Keep it away from children.

Don't justify violence with it.

And whatever you do, please don't ever tell Regulus about the time Jesus saved you from that tornado.
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Re: Ridiculous Religion vs Absurd Atheism

Postby S1mb4 D4 L10n » August 7th, 2015, 7:06 pm

[quote="Regulus"]I tolerate religion, and you have the right to believe whatever you want. But...

Keep it out of politics.

Keep it out of education.

Keep it away from children.

Don't justify violence with it.

And whatever you do, please don't ever tell Regulus about the time Jesus saved you from that tornado.[/quote]


Don't force your child to use faith healing instead of modern medicine for preventable but deadly illness. (I know a child who almost died from this)
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