Matthew Thomas Turner (Glee OC)

Matthew Thomas Turner (Glee OC)

Postby UncoordinatedPisces » August 16th, 2012, 11:36 pm

Full Name: Matthew Thomas Turner

Nick Name(s): Matt or Matty (as Amy calls him sometimes)

Gender: Male

Age: 16 years old

Birthday/year: 1st of October 1996

Marital Status: Single

Spouse: None yet. Has a crush on Amy though.

Hair: Light brown, slightly curled.

Eyes: Emerald green

Origin: England, United Kingdom. Moved to Ohio when he was 10.

Language(s): English, Spanish.

Height: 5’’8’

Weight/Body Structure/Physical Faults: Matthew is a healthy teenager, with a faded out six pack and muscular arms. He never shows off his muscules because he doesn’t like alot of attention, although alot of girls like him.

Race/Species: British White, Human.

Parents/Elders/Guardians: Lives with his parents.

Siblings: Has a younger sister and a younger brother.

Friends/Allies: He has lots of friends, and is rather popular in school, but he would say one of his closest friends is Amy.

Enemies: Anyone who is mean to those close to him.

Career/Past Careers: Student.

Dreams/Life Goals: He’s into sport and all that, like most teenagers, but has hidden talents when it comes to singing. He would like to be a singer, but is afraid of teasing. He also wants to join the Glee Club, but needs more convincing.

Hobbies: Football, basketball, singing

Likes: Being on his own in the house, so he can sing to his hearts content. Eating, sleeping, being with friends. Music wise he likes pretty much everything.

Loves: Spending time with Amy, hearing her sing, listening to music

Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity

Loathes: Seeing his close friends getting hurt, having secrets between his friends

Fears: His popularity not being kept to a reasonable level, deep down he is concerned about getting bullied, people finding out he sings

Strengths: He is witty and often wins verbal arguements, he isn’t too bad with the physical stuff either.

Weakness: He’s shy when it comes to romance, but if he is met with an equally shy person, he will usually take the lead in a relationship

Turn Ons: Being the dominant, deep down he knows he likes it, but he doesn’t want to hurt his lover. Romance, gentle stuff

Turn Offs: He hates neediness, but can cope with it if it’s meant as a way of saying they love him or something

Natural Talents: Singing, and maths/computers, he’s always been clever

Temperament: Matthew is an outgoing, confident teenager. He is very clever, but he only uses his intelligence towards schooling, and doesn’t think much of it. He has a good deal of common sense, and likes to voice his opinion but knows when to keep his mouth shut. He’s shy around girls, but wants to be able to be a good lover.

Background: Matthew lived in the UK until he was 10, he moved over with his family and began going to school in Ohio. He has gotten used to it now, but has kept his accent even though he sounds a little bit American at times.
just an oddball

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