

Postby AnActualLion » May 19th, 2015, 6:25 am

Name: Nia
Species: African Lion
Gender: Female
Pride: Pridelander
Personality: Nia has a bad habit of being incredibly nosy. She doesn't mean it but she wants to know everything that's going on with everyone. Though her intentions are not bad, she can come off as annoying because of it. Aside from this major and apparent flaw however, you'll never find a better listener than Nia. She likes to play therapist in a way and help others who are in emotional distress. She also takes great pride in her cub sitting duties.
Description: Nia isn't very big at all. She's a smaller lioness compared to other Pridelanders, with a sleek, almost otter like gait. She's a darker brown in color with attentive, wide blue eyes that are always ready to meet others.
Other: Nia is Tau's, the first King of the Pridelands, maternal cousin, two months his junior. She is one of the first ever members of the Pridelands lions.
Picture: Image
Featured In: Future unwritten fanfictions
Certified Lion Trash Queen

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