Badrani & Lesedi

Badrani & Lesedi

Postby Malenga » March 31st, 2013, 7:58 am

Badrani lineartCOLOURSHADEDfinalsigned.png
Character design (c) of Rina Malenga (Myself).

Name: Badrani.
Meaning: "Full moon".
Age: 2 years old (cat years)/18 (human years)
Mother: Malenga {Adoptive mother}.
Father: Cetshwayo {Adoptive father}.
Siblings: Sethunya({Adoptive} Older brother), Lesedi ({Adoptive} Younger sister).
Mate: N/A.
Pride: The Zawditu Pride.

Personality: Badrani is the strong, silent type. As he had a hard past, he learned that complaining doesn't do any good, nor does talking unless you pick the right times to. And so, he learned to be quiet and only speak up when he needs to. He's a very calm, submissive lion who is not one for fighting. He would rather use his words than his claws; he believes that a strong vocabulary and will power is more powerful than violent actions to solve problems, though he will fight if he needs to defend himself or his loved ones. With his family, he is very protective and always provides a shoulder to cry on. He also tries to be the one that everyone comes to for advice and helpful hints on what they could do in situations where they're struggling. He finds himself to be very popular amongst females once they give him a chance to show his personality, but he has never been attracted to lionesses or lions. He finds himself interested in other types of big cats...

History: Badrani was born into the Outlands to a mother who had no way of getting enough food or water for herself and her cub. Until he was a teenager, he suffered barely getting anything to eat and getting no attention from other pride members-- including his birth mother. When he was a year old, he set off from his birth pride and made it to the Pridelands in time to meet, by chance, Malenga and Cetshwayo. They offered for him to come with them and be a part of their growing pride, and soon enough they started to bond. Pretty soon, Malenga and Badrani were like two peas in a pod. He thought of her as his real mother as she paid attention to him, and made sure he was well looked after. He began to form a close bond with Cesthwayo as well, thinking of him as the father figure he never had.

Badrani has never had a mate.

Favorite quote: N/A

Lesedi lineartCOLOURSHADEDFINALsigned.png
Character design is (c) of Rina Malenga (Myself).
Lesedi lineartCOLOURSHADEDFINALsigned.png (78.66 KiB) Viewed 885 times

Name: Lesedi
Meaning: "Light"
Age: 1.9 years old (cat years)/17 years old (human years)
Mother: Malenga {Adoptive mother}.
Father: Cetshwayo {Adoptive father}.
Siblings: Badrani ({Adoptive} Older brother), Sethunya ({Adoptive} Older sister).
Mate: N/A.
Pride: The Zawditu Pride.

Personality: Lesedi is a spitfire. She wants to feel right all the time, so she gets into constant fights even if the one she is fighting with is ten times her size, and she knows in the back of her brain that she's going to be wrong. She's stubborn, which leads her to be quite the annoying one to fight with, which is usually why she wins most arguments. But despite all that, she is loving and caring with her family and friends. She can be soft if you get past the hard exterior. She tends to be daddy's little girl when Cetshwayo is around, acting like the perfect daughter with him and then acting like someone else when he's gone. She likes to flirt-- even when she doesn't like the other-- to get what she wants, or to just get her feelings across; she's not afraid to tell someone she's interested in them.

History: When Lesedi was a cub, she was born to a mother and a father who constantly fought and argued over anything and everything. In the Outlands, she had little to no nourishment and was easily stressed out when her parents fought. However, when things turned violent one day, resulting in her father killing her mother, and then the pride killing her father out of hatred towards him, she fled the pride, thinking she would be the next they would kill. By chance, she ran into Malenga and Cetshwayo, who adopted her and allowed her into their pride.

Over time, she's had many nervous breakdowns and panic attacks as a result of her overactive imagination and extreme stress levels. She's formed a close bond with her adoptive parents, Cetshwayo especially.

Favorite quote: N/A
Rina Bly Pauwau Malenga

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Cetshwayo x Malenga

Posts: 138
Joined: September 19th, 2011, 4:20 am
Location: The good ol' Canada lands.
Nickname(s): Rina, Malenga, Mally, Mal, Giraffe
Gender: Female
Pride Points: 6

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