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Fan Art Albums of My Lion King


AngelicFire's Album

Characters » Khameleon

Registered at MLK: December 23rd, 2010, 4:37 pm.

Gender: Female

Species: Varies/ Shapeshifter

Character Description

Khameleon, or Khamy, is my fursona. She usually takes the form of a tattooed kitsune, each tattoo resembling another part of me and the clothing I wear. Her natural colors are black with a bright blue-ish purple dunstripe going down her back that erupts into coontail stripes on her tails. She keeps the dunstirpe throughout most of her animal forms, but loses them when she enters her human form trading them instead for manic Panic chunk highlights in her hair. She also has bright purple eyes that switch to a dark brown in her human form.

Her tattoos start on her shoulders on most of her forms except on her pychoraptor form, in which she has a tattoo 'mask'. Starting at her shoulders she has acid-green on the fur on the backs of her legs that continues down to her paws to outline her pawpads and claws. On her right leg she has a circular tribal tattoo just above her wrist. On her wrist she has four golden bands, the outer bands thicker than the inner ones. On her right foreleg she has a snake-like tattoo. The outlining continues down her chest, stopping on her underbelly. One her back legs are tattoos that resemble armor that stops on her ankles just above her back feet are three bands per foot. Her back feet are highlighted in green like her front feet.

She's a shapeshifter because it resembles my always changing style and mood, and her eyes are purple because I always liked the color. The snake on her arm represents my sometimes venomous way of speaking while the bands round three of her feet represent the bracelets I wear. The dark coat color represents both my own hair color and my sometimes dark, loner-like personality. The highlights of lime-green represent hom much I bound back from the darkness and remain happy most of the time. The armor-like tattoos on her back legs represent my armored way of meeting new people in real life.

Permissions: Private (Only the artist can use this character. Artist is accepting gifts with this character in them.)

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