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Fan Art Albums of My Lion King


Adofo's Album

Characters » Ekanem

Registered at MLK: December 4th, 2014, 2:10 am.

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Character Description

Appearance: Ekanem takes after her father more than her mother, although she inherited Christen's green eyes. She has a tan complexion due to spending time outside and red hair that she got from her father, though hers is slightly darker than Adofo's.
Ekanem likes to keep her hair short, never letting it go further than shoulder-length.
Personality: Ekanem is a very zen person. She's tranquil and somewhat shy, though not overly timid. She's usually friendly and accepting of differences.
Sometimes Ekanem is overprotective and worrisome about her family, often imploring them to make sure that they keep out of danger. She is paranoid over her family's safety and worries constantly.
Ekanem occasionally takes things too seriously and sometimes can't take a joke, though it takes a lot to really offend her.

Backstory: Ekanem was born to Christen and Adofo. She was raised in a secure environment, though sometimes she enjoyed wandering around alone. Though she did have friends who were lions [she was raised around them, after all], she met a hyrax named Abana who she quickly befriended and was very close to.
Ekanem was less impulsive and wasn't much of a troublemaker, though she did get into trouble, including when she ventured into a marsh full of snakes and crocodiles. She also tried to go hunting when she was very little, making a flimsy "weapon" out of an arrowhead tied to a stick, which resulted in her getting somewhat bruised, but no lasting damage had been done before she was rescued by her mother.

She is the third and currently the youngest child of Adofo and Christen.

Permissions: Private (Only the artist can use this character. Artist is accepting gifts with this character in them.)

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  NightDaiana December 4th, 2014, 2:40 am
Luna: hello Ekanem
  Adofo December 4th, 2014, 4:33 am
Ekanem: Hi.....who are you?
  NightDaiana December 4th, 2014, 6:31 pm
Luna: I'm your adoptive sister
  Adofo December 4th, 2014, 6:50 pm
Ekanem: You are?! YAY!
  NightDaiana December 5th, 2014, 2:37 am
Luna: *hug*

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