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Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

PostPosted: July 14th, 2013, 8:58 pm
by Shadowfax
Chapter 6 - Hircine's gift

Silver's heart was racing as they walked down the steps. Her thoughts and worries were starting to cloud her mind. Had she done something wrong? Why was Kodlak wishing to speak to her alone. Stop it Silver.. He probably just wants a chat to find out how your journey was, that's all she tried to remind herself.
Kodlak led her down into his own quaters which took her a little by suprise. When he was sure they were alone he gestured to her to sit which she did, but slowly. Her eyes never left his as they sat down in silence. Kodlak could feel her eyes on him. Those brilliant eyes of silver. He chuckled to himself.
"Silver eye? Why did you call that name out?" He asked after a while.
Silver immediately felt her cheeks redden, but she tried to ignore it.
"My sister used to call me that when we were kids. She still does. I don't know why I called it out today.. I guess it was down to me wanting her to be there so much"
"Your sister, you plan to get her to join us too?" Kodlak asked.
"Yes. When she comes of age in three months time" Silver said with a slow smile.
Kodlak merely nodded at that before pouring himself a glass of wine. He offered Silver a glass, but she politely refused. Kodlak settled down in the seat opposite her and surveyed her for a moment which made her immediately uncomfortable and she felt her eyes darting all around the room. Anywhere but into his,
"Do you know who Hircine is, Silver?" He asked her after a time.
Silver shook her shoulders. Never before had she heard that name.
"Hircine's gift was bestowed upon the Companions many a year ago. The circle, the leaders of the Companions that were given this gift. Myself, Aela, Farkus, Vilkas and Skjor. Can you think of what this gift is?"
Again, Silver shrugged which made her feel like a knowledgeless child once again. Kodlak didn't reply though as he then saw Silver start to rack her brains. What could he mean? She thought. She tried to think of everything that happened since she got here and of any unusual behaviour. The first thing that came to her was the fact Farkus was a werewolf.. She had never questioned that.
"I... Has it got something to do with werewolves?" She asked timidly.
"Exactly right" Kodlak beamed, sounding proud.
Silver felt alot less pressured now so relaxed a little as questions began to arise in her mind.
"Were you afraid when Farkus transformed?"
"No!" Silver almost spat with disgust. "I've been around werewolves before"
"I see. Well then I guess I should explain more to you" Kodlak went on, taking a sip of the wine in his goblet. "We companions were given the blood of the beast when we first formed. Only the circle were allowed to be bearers of the gift"
"A gift? Surely it's more a curse" Silver said with an eyebrow raised.
"Yes.. And no. The beast blood comes at a cost it is true. You'll grow restless as you sleep of course and the first month you'll struggle to cope. Not to mention there is always the threat of losing yourself when in beast form. However, the freedom of a wolf running through Skyrim in the crisp night air is priceless. Your immude to all disease and your enemies will flee before you when you transform. But, be aware.. This gift cannot be used for evil" Kodlak finished.
Silver listened to his words. It was true what he said about the down sides to it, but the up sides were things Silver did not even know. The thought of immunity to disease, an extra weapon in battle seemed rather useful. Silence engulfed her for a moment before she spoke out.
"So... Did you all decide to be werewolves or did you have to become them?"
"Those in the circle chose to be werewolves and hence, they are in the circle. If you wish to be a part of the leaders of the companions then you must take the blood of the beast" Kodlak replied.
"Why are you telling me this?" Silver said through squinted eyes.
"Isn't it obvious? I am extending an invitation to you Silver. Farkus told me of your skill in battle and I would very much like to have you amongst us leaders here in Jorvaskar"
Silver's mouth was slightly ajar when he said this and she suddenly felt it go very dry. She should be honored, but she was scared of the thought of becoming a werewolf if she were honest to herself. She couldn't... Or could she? Kodlak surveyed her, almost knowing exactly what she were thinking.
"I do not need your reply right now Silver, but I would very much like you to reply by tomorrow night for it is the full moon. Do not say yes unless you really want this. There is a cure, but it would be near on impossible. This gift will be with you, for the rest of your life. The benefits are amazing, but I would never force you to do this if you didn't want to. But rest assured, if you do take the beast blood, you'll have a place among us till you die"
Silver couldn't find words and her mouth opened and closed like a horker gasping for breath. She felt so foolish then.
"Come and find me outside the skyforge tomorrow whatever your decision. Goodnight now lass"
Silver was escorted from the room then and left alone in the corridor to mull things over in her mind. Fear was tugging at her, but so many other things were clouding her mind also. It was settled. She needed a drink and now. Throwing her armor off and unbelting her sword so she was down to her tunic, she left the sleeping quaters.
On her way out the building she picked up two bottles of mead and stormed outside into the courtyard. The night air hit her and sent a chill down her spine, but she proceeded to the stairs. All was quiet in Whiterun tonight as she looked out at the darkened streets. Silver then leapt up onto the stone pillar next to the stairs and stared out at the mountains on the horizon which were just visible under the moonlight.
Another shiver was sent down her spine as she caught sight of the moon. Would she be howling at it soon? How could Kodlak make her come to a decision about something this big so suddenly!? Anger crept up her as she downed one bottle of mead. Then she found herself thinking of Astrid. If she were a leader of the companions then she would be able to give her little sister a home for life too. They could be together and not worry about being homeless ever again.
That thought calmed her down and stayed her hand from smashing the empty mead bottle with frustration.
"Well, you are doing exactly the same thing as I did" Came a voice from behind her.
"You should get some rest" Silver said a little more bitterly than she meant.
"Easy now, I only came to see if you were ok. It's always hard to take on board what Kodlak says after the ceremony" Farkus said, walking over to Silver with his hands in his pockets as he too was in a tunic.
Silver wished he hadn't. She just wanted to be left alone to drown her sorrows with a bottle of mead. She wanted to think and try and make head or tail of this whole situation, not make idle conversation with Farkus.
"Im fine" She said after a while, taking a swig of mead from the bottle.
"Clearly. Look, just calm down I know what you're feeling. I've been through the same thing remember? And I also know whats really worrying you about saying yes" Farkus said, leaning on the stone post opposite the one she was sat on.
Silver turned her head and felt it throb a little. She shouldn't have drunk that mead so quickly, but it didn't stop her taking another long swig from the remaining bottle.
"And what's that?" She asked.
"You're worried about turning your fangs on your sister. You're worried about never being able to go back to how you were before. Sound about right?" Farkus asked, eyebrow raised.
Silver began to roll the bottle between her hands, a sign she was feeling uncomfortable. A sign that Farkus had seen before so he continued.
"Look. I know it's a shock and I know it's not going to be an easy decision, but if Kodlak didn't think you'd be able to control it he wouldn't have offered it to you" Farkus said with a sigh.
"What if I can't control it though? What if I hurt people. I want to be one of you.. More than anything, it's just..." Silver bowed her head sadly.
"Just what? Are you a milk drinker or a nord?" Farkus said rather harshly.
Silver then launced the bottle of mead at him. The contents went flying through the air, but Farkus dodged the bottle and watched as it smashed on the floor next to him. A few of the guards looked up, but saw it was nothing serious so returned to their duties.
"Don't you EVER call me that again" She snapped.
"Well stop being such a whiner and wallowing in self pity. At the end of the day it's up to you, I was just trying to help" Farkus said pulling something out his pocket.
He opened his hands to reveal a small ring with a wolfs head on. The eyes were rubies and by the look of it, this ring was atleast a hundred years old.
"This is Hircines ring. It's said that he gave it to his own son to help with his transformations. It's been passed down through the companions through the ages to help with their own transformations. This was passed to me by Kodlak. Vilkas was always stronger and found his transformations easier which is why I have it. But now, I pass it on to you. I can't make the decision for you, but I hope this will help you decide. I can help you with your transformations and teach you how to control them also" Farkus said his hand outstretched.
Silver blinked and looked down at the ring in Farkus' hand. She suddenly felt incredibly guilty for lashing out at him like that. He was after all, only trying to help her. With a sigh she forced a smile and slowly took the ring from his hands.
"Hard to believe.. A week ago you hated me and now here we are talking about helping me get through this whole werewolf thing" Silver said with a chuckle.
"Well, people change and circumstances change. I'll leave you to it. Go with what your heart tells you" Farkus said before parting.
Silver watched him leave before turning back to the small ring now in the palm of her hand. The little rubies glew in the night and Silver felt a sort of dread, but excitement corse through her. She looked up at the sky. It was going to be a long night.

Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

PostPosted: August 25th, 2013, 10:16 pm
by Shadowfax
It's been a while D:

Chapter 7 - Transformation

Silver didn't sleep at all well that night. For one there was the fact she might be a werewolf the next day, therefore would never have a real nights sleep again.. But on the other hand there was the fact she had gotten through four bottles of mead after a day of eating very little so her head was spinning throughout the night.
When she woke on a regular basis that night she also found that her head throbbed and her brow was sweaty as beads of sweat clung to it as she dreamt. When she finally fell asleep and woke a few hours later she found that the room was silent. Her headache had eased off and she still had the ring Farkus had given her in the palm of her hand.
His words echoed through her head as she looked down at that tiny little wolf headed ring. She had to admit, the ring was pretty though the thought of wearing it as a werewolf amused her. She was still none the wiser as to what she was going to choose so headed upstairs for some breakfast.
For the whole day she sat alone. Athis and Tovar attempted to make conversation, but she didn't want to know. Then Vilkas came and spoke to her about the benefits of being a werewolf aswell as the cons so that helped Silver somewhat. His brother Farkus had kept his distance though and Silver felt awful still for how she had reacted last night, but her thoughts were so distracted she couldn't bring herself to go and apologize to the nord.
In the afternoon she took herself outside and began to write down the pros which clearly outdid the cons, but the thought still scared her. Then a wave of frustration hit her and she slammed her fist down on the table. Damn it SilverEye, you're a nord! And a new Companion.. You shouldn't be scared. Stop being such a brat and just do it. Kodlak said there was a cure so even if it all goes wrong, there is a chance you can correct it! But.. If he believes in you and Farkus believes in you.. You can do it.
The scolding had helped. Silver tossed the piece of paper into a paper bin before standing up and walking out to the wall by the edge of Jorvaskar. She looked out into the sunset and heaved a low sigh. That was it. She would take the gift of Hircine and use it to her advantage aswell as Astrid's. If she could learn to control that power, she would be unstoppable.
For an hour she just stood there looking out at Whiterun as the clouds began to roll across the sky. As the sun began to set she headed off in search of Kodlak who she nearly bumped into when rounding a corner. He blinked as if trying to suss out if it were Silver standing there.
"Im ready" Silver said confidently.
"What have you decided child?" Kodlak asked her as Aela passed them.
Silver stood there for a moment, words lost for a moment. Her voice was soon found though and she took a deep breath.
"I've decided I want to be in the circle. I've decided I will take the form of the beast"
"That pleases me. Now, what will happen tonight cannot be discussed out here in the open so follow me please" Kodlak gestured.
Silver shrugged and followed Kodlak up the cobblestone path towards the Sky forge. They suddenly halted by the wall however which confused her, but then Kodlak tapped on the wall and Silver suddenly saw the very faint outline of a stone like door. Her eyes widened as the door pushed open to reveal a small cave behind it.
Kodlak stepped in, shortly followed by Silver who wasn't as hesitant as she usually would have been. Once inside, Kodlak slid the door shut behind her and proceeded down the passage way. A little way down the walls grew lighter aswell as the walls spacing out. Soon they were both in a small room lit with flaming torches. A large stone basin stood in the middle of the room and many carvings of wolves and totems were against the walls behind her.
Then Silver saw it. A large werewolf standing over the basin. It's fangs were sharp, it's breathing shallow and it's presence un-nerving. Again, like with Farkus she had to struggle not to draw her sword for the sight of the wolf before her was monstrous.
"Good of you to come Aela, thank you again for being the volunteer"
Silver blinked. So the wolf was Aela the huntress? Then she remembered her passing them in the courtyard. She must have been on her way to this little shrine to help with Silver's transformation. For some reason that made her relax a little more and the wolf was less terriffying now that Silver knew it was Aela standing before them.
"Right then SilverEye, are you sure this is what you want?" Kodlak asked.
Silver bit her lip. She wanted to say; Im not sure.. I think so... Or maybe even I guess so, but there was no turning back now. Besides, being a werewolf would prove useful in the long run surely? She stepped forward without hesitation this time and looked from Aela to old, wise Kodlak.
"Aye. What do I need to do?" She asked, eyebrows narrowed.
"First off I must warn you, the first transformation is always un-pleasant, painful and sometimes even deadly. Once you are transformed you will feel a little light headed, but it is important that you eat as a wolf this night in order to regain your strength when you change back" Kodlak told her.
"Eat? Why is that important, surely I can just eat some mutton when I wake up?" Silver asked.
"No young Nord, it is important you eat in wolf form tonight. Your beast blood will become to powerful if you do not. The lust for blood will be on you and it can effect your transformations later on. It's the first step towards a successful transformation and many more after that. Blood will help calm your mind" Kodlak informed her.
Silver nodded slowly. She thought she understood atleast. The thought of eating something like a savage was odd though.. Maybe she would feel differently when she was in form.
"As you can see, Aela here has perfected her transformations. She knows who she is and is in total control of what she is doing and her own mind. That is the key. Never lose your mind when in this form for the consequences can be disastrous. Keep your head and you'll be fine" Kodlak explained, picking up Aela's paw.
He took out an iron dagger and sliced the palm of the wolfs paw pad. Silver winced, but Aela didn't even flinch as a few spatters of blood fell into the liquid in the basin. The concoction spit and fizzed a little before calming down and Silver felt herself clutching her chest nervously.
"To take on the form, you must drink" Kodlak told her.
Silver was again hesitant for a moment, but slowly stepped forward after a while. When she got to the basin, she looked down at her reflection and clenched her knuckles. The ring of Hircine dug into her fingers, but that was the comfort she was seeking. The ring would help. Farkus said so.
"Do not fear young nord. We will be with you all through this" Kodlak assured her as she stepped up to the basin.
SilverEye could feel herself trembling from head to toe. This was a life changing decision and it scared her.. yet... It would be worth it in the end. And Astrid... The life she could give her little sister if she did this. Silver swallowed her fear and picked up the basin.
The young nord raised it to her lips, drinking deep and letting the odd droplets run down her cheek. The concoction was sticky, yet sweet tasting. When she lowered the bowl back onto the stand she felt no different from how she had thirty seconds ago. Had she done something wrong was the first thing that sprang to mind. She cast a glance at Kodlak and Aela, but they remained silent.
All of a sudden it hit her, like a tidal wave. Silver collapsed onto all fours as the air became ice cold around her. Each breath she took was a strain as the cold air went right back deep into her lungs and back. With each breath she felt like the entire contents of her stomach was going to re-appear. The pain was almost unbearable as she clenched her fists together trying to get some sort of feeling back other than the coldness coursing through her body.
Her breathing became laboured which in turn caused the dizziness to set in. Though that was fine. She could finally feel something else other than the damned cold. When the dizziness took her, she felt herself tumble onto her side the armor she was wearing clattering as she landed.
After that came the shaking, the pounding headache and the yelling of agony. Silver was not one for crying out when in pain, but it was as if her entire bone structure was shifting within her. Of course it was... What did she think was going to happen? That she'd just suddenly magically poof into a werewolf just like that?
The pain was getting too much now and she felt her mind go blank. The last thing she remembered was Aela and Kodlak approaching her before she was falling through the darkness.
When she woke, every single bone in her body felt out of place and was causing her great discomfort. Her breathing was heavy and she suddenly became aware of pulses all around her, hearbeats too, their smells so strong. It almost felt like someone had unblocked all her senses. Her eyesight also seemed to be ten times better than it ever had been.
Silver looked down and nearly screamed at the sight of her new paws...If she could scream that is for all that came out her mouth was a low growl. She was a werewolf. The newly transformed she wolf pulled herself over to a nearby stream to look upon herself. Staring back at her were her normal eyes behind the shadow of a savage beast.
Her muzzle was short, her ears baggy and her fur messy like her hair always was. The colour of her fur was a deep grey, almost as if trying to match her eyes. Looking down at her right paw she saw the ring of Hircine, perfectly molded to her new form. Another wolf then appeared opposite her, causing Silver to growl almost instinctively.
"Relax child, it is I, Aela" The wolf said.
"We..We can talk...." Silver stuttered.
"Of course we can you fool. Now tell me, how are you feeling? Your transformation was a rather... unplesant one I must say"
Silvers ears flattened on her head and she bore her teeth threateningly at Aela who had dared insult her. Aela leapt at her though and pinned her down, paw on Silver's muzzle. Her movement was so quick, Silver barely had time to think before she collided with the floor. Aela was obviously experienced and had perfected her speed in this form.
"Calm down pup you are weak from the first transformation, keep your head remember?" Aela warned her, slowly backing away allowing Silver up.
Silver was taken aback by the pounce and got to her feet slowly but wearily. Aela watched her through wise eyes, where as Silver looked weakened and exhausted. Another low growl escaped her throat as they stood by the stream.
"I feel awful... And weak" Silver growled irritably.
"That is to be expected. But you have to come with me now. Together we will all help you with your first hunt and your first kill" Aela told her as more wolves began to approach.
"How did I get here?" Silver coughed.
"They bought you out here. The first transformation is always hard and painful so we always take you away from Whiterun once the process begins. Wouldn't want you harming innocent civilians. Ah, here they come now" Aela said, turning her head.
Silver knew them by scent already before they even came into view. Skjor, Farkus and Vilkas were soon at her side howling to the moon awaiting the sign to give chase.
"What do we hunt?" Silver asked weakly, not convinved she was up to chasing down anything right now.
"Trolls tonight. It's harder to take them down than elk" Aela said with a slight wolfish grin at Silver's stunned expression.
She was about to argue back, but she couldn't appear weak infront of the others. No, she had to do this and prove to them and herself she was capeable and that this new power was going to be useable.
"Lead the way then" Silver said weakly getting to her feet.
"I can smell troll over at the foot of the moutains" Vilkas said with a growl.
"I would prefer mammoth myself" Skjor said, licking his own muzzle hugrilly.
"Kodlak's orders were trolls, not mammoths! She's not ready for that yet and you know it Skjor. I'll lead, all of you follow me" Aela howled, leaping into a sprint towards the mountains.
"Come on, you can do this" Farkus urged, falling in besides Silver.
Silver had managed to get a slow run going, but she was not quite used to her new body yet. Running on all fours was rather difficult to begin with, but after a few strides she managed to keep up with Farkus, though the others were specks in the distance.
"Is it always that painful? Transforming I mean?" She asked her friend as the ran side by side in their wolf forms.
"No. The first time is always the worst. After that it's no worse than changing your clothes" Farkus assured her.
Silver was less convinced, but she said nothing and kept her pace as best she could. Up ahead, the others had stopped behind some rocks. Maybe they were waiting for her? But they were all poised and looked ready to pounce by the time Farkus and Silver joined them.
Silver halted behind Aela and Farkus immediately went to his brothers side. Their bond reminded her so much of her own with Astrid and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to have her sister with her to give her strength. But alas, she was not. Silver thought for a moment.. She would write to her about all this come the morning.
"Over there" Aela whispered to Silver.
Silver looked to the foot of the mountain and saw the troll. It was looking drowsy, they were down wind so clearly had the upper hand. Aela motioned them to all fall in around her which they did immediately.
"Silver is to kill this one, but we will help her. SilverEye, make sure you go for the neck. Their flesh is soft there and you will be able to pierce it easy enough. Now.. All of you, lets go" Aela said, not giving Silver any oppotunity to ask questions.
That unsettled Silver as she watched the others slink into the shadows. They were creatures of the night werewolves and Silver watched as they began to creep towards the unsuspecting troll. With a gulp, Silver followed, trying her hardest to control her thoughts as the beasts will began to try to take over.
Silver decided she would allow that just a little bit to get her through this test. As she crept towards the troll she remained hidden as the others all leapt forward towards the troll. She watched as Aela and Skjor bit deep into the trolls feet, then Farkus and Vilkas bit into the arms of the beast.
NOW! Came a voice inside Silver's head. She leapt forward through the tall grass and was suddenly aware of her own pulse. Every step she took seemed to slow with the beating of her pulse as she rushed towards the troll.
It turned it's ugly head to see Silver approaching it, but Silver cared not for the fear in it's eyes, nor the disadvantage it had. He was her prey... And She was going to end him with her own fangs.
Silver flew through the air and plunged her fangs deep into the beasts neck. As she collided, the others let go momentarilly and resumed their positions once the troll was on the floor. Silver felt her mouth filling up with blood. The bloodlust was on her now as she sank her fangs deeper and deeper into the beasts neck. Her eyes were ablaze with fury now, cold as the night.
The troll flailed and whined, but Silver didn't hear it nor let go. All she felt was the desire to kill. The blood dripped from her mouth and stained her muzzle a deep crimson though in the dark it was almost like a blackness creeping up her face as the minuted passed.
With one final push, Silver broke the creature and listened to the sweet sound of it's last breath. When it was done, Silver growled and dropped the creatures neck to the floor. Where on earth had all that strength come from? She looked at the others who were all looking up at her with admiration.
As if by natural instinct, Silver threw back her bloody muzzle and howled to the moon with all that she had in her lungs. The others followed suit as the song of wolves echoed through the nights of Skyrim. Silver bought her muzzle back down after a time and looked down at the troll who's blood was leaking into the mud.
"Eat" Aela ordered.
Without hesitation, Silver plunged her muzzle back towards the beast and began to tear away at the corpse. Wrenching back her head, she tore away a plump piece of flesh and began to chew on it. The troll was tough, tougher than anything she had ever eaten and even with her wolf fangs she struggled.
It tasted strange, but she ate it none the less. After a time, the others fell in beside her and began to tear at the flesh of the troll. Vilkas and Farkus got the ribs, Aela and Skjor took the thighs. Silver stopped eating after a little while for she was tiring again.
Aela saw this and walked over to her.
"You did well. Staying in control is the first lesson you must learn"
"It wasn't hard.. I just..." Silver couldn't finish her sentence for her legs had fallen from under her.
Just like before she felt her body going cold and her bones throbbing. She heard Vilkas yell out.
"She's changing back! Quick, we need to get her back to Jorvaskar"
Silver didn't know what happened next, for once again.. She was falling through the darkness.
The next day she awoke in her own bed back in Jorvaskar. She felt sore and still weak, but atleast she had shaken that damned coldness. The first thing she did when she awoke was to check her hands. Human. With a sigh of relief she fell back against the bed in her roughspun tunic.
"You feeling any better?" Came a voice from the other side of the room.
"What are you doing in here?!" Silver said, sounding outraged at the sight of Farkus.
Farkus laughed and looked down at the floor for a moment before meeting her eyes again.
"We've all been taking it in turns to watch over you. How are you feeling?" Farkus asked.
"Better.... I just.." Silver began, but hesitated as she massaged her wrists.
"You did well. Not alot of people manage to bring down a troll on their first hunt, let alone escape without injury" Farkus told her.
"Thanks... I er... It was difficult I must admit"
"Don't worry. Aela and the others will teach you more. We will give you a month before we make you transform again, but untill then you'll have books to read and your temper to control" He said with a smirk.
Silver suddenly felt the need to ask him something, something that might make him feel a little awkward, but she had to know.
"Why did you and Kodlak invite me into the circle? I've been here a month, that is all. Why would you accept me so quickly and give me all the secrets of the companions?"
As expected, Farkus was hesitant to answer, but when he did answer he answered truthfully.
"Kodlak is a pretty good judge of character. We invited you because your skills, back in that cave of bandits were incredible. If im honest, i've never seen a woman fight like that.. Not even Aela. You've got a good soul and a strong arm. Exactly what the companions look for. That's why"
Silver felt herself growing warm in the face at his words. Had she really done it? Had she really proved herself that brave to the others? Pride shot through her and she smiled softly before reaching over to her bedside table and drawing out a pen and paper.
"What are you doing?" Farkus asked.
"Writing to my sister.. It's about time I checked up on her"
Farkus nodded, but before he left the room he halted.
"I er... Would leave out the part about the werewolf thing. She shouldn't know about that until she comes here herself" Farkus said dryly.
"If I told Astrid I were a werewolf, I think she'd be less scared than I am"

Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

PostPosted: October 4th, 2013, 11:57 pm
by nalasimba83
OMG,you would LOVE my sister,she is a SKYRIM ADDICT

Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

PostPosted: November 5th, 2013, 10:48 pm
by Shadowfax
Chapter 8 - The Silver Hand

Eight months had passed since Silver first joined the companions and for her, life had never been better. Her werewolf transformations came as second nature to her now as Aela had taught her many things and helped her every step of the way. She went on monthly hunts with the rest of the Companions and they had even tackled their first mammoth together. They'd all escaped with a few cuts and bruises, but the victory was sweet.

She had also been writing to Astrid each month, checking up on her little sister and although her replies were blunt the news of her being safe and well pleased Silver. She kept reminding her about her birthday as the young nord sounded as though she needed her spirits lifted. In two months she would be with her again and Silver's life would be complete.

Her favourite times with the Companions however had been with Farkus. The two had become firm friends and often went up to the Skyforge under the moonlight to duel, watch the stars and sometimes for a laugh put extra coal in Eurland Greymanes smelter. The pair would laugh when they heard his distant crys of annoyance the next day.

Silver, Farkus and Vilkas had also taken to going out bandit raiding at any moment they could spare. The three of them had certainly reduced the crime in the area and had even been thanked by the Jarl himself on two occasions.

So life was sweet thus far. One day however, Kodlak called herself, Vilkas, Farkus and two new companions, Anjborn and Theor into his chambers. Aela and Skjor were off with Tovar and Athis out in the wilderness on a mission, so if left the five of them with Kodlak.

"Ah, you are all here. Good" Kodlak said as he pushed some papers off his desk.

They all stood around him, awaiting his orders with resectful silence. Silver was in her usual dragon scaled armor, a new dwarven sword on her hip. She stood to Farkus's left with her arms folded and eyes keen.

"What is it you desire of us?" Asked Anjborn, who had joined the companions six months ago now and had just turned werewolf.

"Have any of you heard of the Silver hand?" Kodlak asked.

There was a moments silence as they thought on his question. Vilkas was the first to speak.

"I have heard the name, but I have no idea who or what they are. Some sort of organisation?"

"Yes.. But one we need to watch. They are a newly formed group and have called themselves the exterminators of werewolves" Kodlak said with a sigh.

"Werewolf hunters! Ha! Let em try" Farkus leered.

"Don't underestimate them Farkus. The Silver hand are dangerous and well organised, you would do well to tread carefully around them" Kodlak warned the young nord.

"We can take them! All of them! Where are they? I'll take my axe to their faces" Theor piped up.

Silver put a hand out infront of him, as if shielding Kodlak. Though she knew Theor would do him no harm, she felt it necessary to calm him down.

"Easy. You'll run into an early grave if you keep that sort of attitude up" She warned the young Imperial.

"Shut up, your not my mother. Kodlak, where are they? Are you sending us to fight them?" Theor said, looking around Silver's outstretched arm.

Foolish child. I should teach you a lesson for that Silver thought, but she held her hands and kept them away from her sword hilt. Kodlak gave a sigh and sat back in his chair with annoyance as Silver lowered her arm back to her side.

"Theor, listen to Silver. Though you may not like it, she has been here longer than you so you'd do well to listen to her advice. Now all of you. I do not wish to send you to your deaths, but I would like you to go to an old ruin to see if you can find any clues or evidence about this organization. I want to know numbers, plans and where their hideouts could be. The fort is a few hours ride away so if you leave now you can be here and back within a day" Kodlak informed them.

"No problem Kodlak, leave it to us" Vilkas said proudly.

"I send you all just incase you should run into any of them. They are a strong bunch and it will give you more of an advantage if your all together" Kodlak informed them.

Theor gave Silver a look of loathing before storming off to get his things. Anjborn had remained quiet, but gave a short bow of his head before also departing to collect his armor. Vilkas, Silver and Farkus were already armored and stayed behind to talk with Kodlak for he had a look about him that informed them he wanted to speak with them.

"Keep a sharp eye on them. They are young and full of fire, but I do not want them running to their deaths. Vilkas, please keep Theor in line and give Anjborn any help he needs. That boy has been rather quiet of late, I do not think he's taken to kindly to the beast blood"

All three nodded before turning towards the door.

"And I forbid any of you to die. I want you all home safe and well"

The three smirked and walked out the door to collect their things. Vilkas and Farkus went to their room as Silver turned off to hers. She only had food and potions to collect so was out and back at the steps to Jorvaskar in a few moments. Anjborn was there too, so as it was just the two of them, she decided to make conversation.

"How are you coping with the beast blood?" She asked.

The man turned his head and gave her a quizzical look. He had never said much and has been rather bitter when he had, but Silver was used to Nord stubbornness so was able to brush it off easier.
"Fine. And you?" Anjborn replied coolly.

"Still struggle occasionally if im going to be honest, but it's easier now than it was when I first transformed"

"I see" Anjborn replied.

Rolling her eyes and admitting to herself she wouldn't get a decent conversation out of him, she turned her attention to the door which the other three were coming out of. Theor was dressed in chain mail and Farkus and Vilkas in their wolf armor. She caught Farkus' eye and smiled.

"Lets hope they have enough horses down at the stables" Vilkas complained before descending down the steps.

The others all followed. The sun had just come up so the city was quiet and peaceful. Occasionally they would pass the odd early riser, or the shop keepers on their way to work. A courier passed something to Vilkas on their way through the city, but it was only a letter from Aela saying they were on their way back.

That seemed to please him for he didn't like leaving Kodlak alone for too long. True, he had Eurland Greymane up at the forge and the maids, but it wasn't the same for him.

Once they were out in the plains of Skyrim, the stable lad was asked to fetch them all a horse each. At first, Silver thought they wouldn't be able to provide them with horses due to their numbers, but the lad came back soon enough nodding his head. To Silvers relief she was given the same piebald mare she had been given the day she and Farkus had headed out for her trial and the others were all given bay and chestnut horses.

Once mounted up, Vilkas paid the lad with gold before kicking on his mount so it sprang to a canter. The others followed suit and soon they were all galloping across the plains of Skyrim towards the fort. The day was cool today. There was no snow on the ground and the sun beamed down on them as they went. Silver felt hot under her armor soon, but dared not un-arm herself so she ignored it.

Sometimes they would pass travelers on the road who would greet them. They got a bit close to a giants camp at one point too and were chased by them down the road. Theor had attempted to shoot an arrow, but Farkus slapped his horses rear sending it galloping away.

"Don't give them more reason to chase us fool!" He snapped.

Once they had passed the plains and were free of the giants, it was up the mountain. Here, there was snow however and the horses would slip and slide if too much got under their hooves. At the peak of the mountain stood a line of bare trees, and behind that.. the ruin they had been seeking.

It was an old place to be sure. The walls were made of grey stone, cracked and eroded away by the elements. A fine sheet of moss covered atleast half of it too, which added to the old feel to the building. At the wooden gate, Silver felt angry when she spotted two steaks with werewolf heads atop them.

"Damn them..." She growled, swinging down from her horse.

"The Silver hand hate our kind. There may be worse inside" Vilkas told her.

That made Silver's blood boil and she wanted nothing more than to lop their heads off and display them on spears just like the wolves before her. She tied her horse up in the shelter of an old stable which had half the roof missing, but it was shelter all the same. The others copied and followed her towards the doors.

"Be on your guard in here" Farkus said to eveyone present.

All instinctively pulled their weapons out from their sheaths and proceeded into the building. Inside was no better than the outside. There was a dampness to it, the floor was soft and the torches which lit the place were nearly burnt out so the darkness of the building would be near on impossible for them to see. They were all, with the exception of Theor werewolves however so their keen sight was magnified enabling them to see.
Silver saw there was no upstairs, but there were two rooms in the fort. A rather small hiding place she thought to herself. There were no trap doors either, nor any scent of anyone being here for a long time.

"Right, be on your guard and look for any clues you can" Vilkas told them.

"I don't think anyone is here Vilkas, I don't smell anything" Silver said looking about her.

"We can't afford to let our guard down though, so lets get searching"

Silver nodded and watched as Theor lit up a torch so they could see a bit more. She was grateful to him for that, it made the rooms feel a bit more welcoming. So she began to search for clues. First off she began to go through a chest, but all that was in there were some rusty old weapons.

Farkus and Vilkas were pushing things over, looking under chairs, tables, dressers and bookshelves. Anjborn was going through a dressing table and Theor was analyzing the walls.

Silver sighed when after half an hour she could find nothing of interest. Farkus and Vilkas were in the other room now trying to break into a strong safe which they had found. Neither had managed it so far and often you heard curse words and swords smashing against the side of it.

Another hour passed and she heard a triumphant call. Vilkas came in to collect the three of them so that they could go through the contents of the chest together. Silver followed and entered the second room to see Farkus bent down infront of the safe. He looked rather pleased with himself.

"Finally got it open then?" Silver said, kneeling down next to him.

"Yep. Strength and determination" Farkus said with a smirk.

"Really? I thought you might have just found the key" She teased gently.

"Oh for the love of Talos, just show us!!" Theor moaned.

Silver scowled, but Farkus pulled out the contents of the chest and thrust the paper in Vilkas hands. He unrolled it and looked at his companions. Anjborn looked uncaring, but Theor looked as if his eyes would pop out their sockets.

"Looks like some sort of plans for a meeting.. But it was a meeting two months ago. It says.. Silver Hand warriors. The time of cleansing the world of werewolves is upon us. Lately we have all come to realize the Companions in Whiterun hold the blood of the beast also. Though we cannot go in and kill them ourselves, we must make plans on how we can exterminate them discretely without alerting the guards. We will meet in the usual place come next week." Vilkas said with a sigh.

"Still, it's some kind of evidence. Kodlak will probably have a use for it. And they say they wouldn't exterminate us out in the open, so Kodlak will be fine" Silver said sensing Vilkas' unease.

"I guess your right. All right. I think we've searched this place top to bottom, lets get going" Vilkas said turning to leave.

There was a sudden click and then a rumble. It felt as though the whole place was going to come down as loose dust began to shower them.

"Get out.. The place has been booby trapped!" Vilkas yelled, running to the doors.

Theor and Anjborn came next followed by Silver and Farkus. Rubble began to fall now, hitting Silver's shoulder and one piece landed on Anjborn's foot. Vilkas bolted through the door followed by the other two, but when Silver went to bolt through, a large piece of stone blocked her path so she skidded to a halt.

Her eyes were ablaze with panic as she began to look around for an alternative escape route. The dust got into her lungs and she began to cough wildly. Someone then took her in their arms and rolled the pair of them over to a table in the corner as the building began to crumble around them.

As her coughing began to cease she looked up to see Farkus over her, as if protecting her from the collapsing building.

"F-Farkus?" She managed to say weakly.

The sound of crashing rubble filled their ears as the building continued to fall. Everytime a piece of rubble hit the table Farkus would wince and Silver thought it was the end, but it never broke. The rubble eventually ceased falling and Farkus found that he and Silver were trapped under the rubble. How long the table would sustain the rubble ahead was difficult to say, but atleast there were cracks in the rocks to allow some oxygen to get in.

Silver opened her eyes and could just about make out the form of Farkus, but the lack of space to move was very uncomfortable.

"Are you alright?" He asked her as he could hear the distant cries of his brother.

"WE ARE ALIVE!!!! PLEASE, GET US OUT OF HERE VILKAS!" Farkus yelled, hurting Silvers eardrums.

"We'll get you out" Came the muffled sound of Vilkas's voice.

Silver felt relief sweep over her. She wasn't ready to die yet. She couldn't leave Astrid. She had to live through this. She had to. Farkus seemed to sense her unease and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey... We are gonna be fine" He assured her.

Silver nodded as she heard the others digging away at the rubble.

"You really saved me there... Thanks.... Guess we're even now" Silver said weakly.

"We're companions Silver, we are always there for eachother remember. I told you, back at your ceremony i'd raise my sword to protect you, just like you would do for me"

"I guess so" She said softly.

They both listened as the others began to move rocks. Silver was thankful they were moving them from above to save any falling on top of them. Farkus would call out to his brother every now and then to let him know where they were and Silver attempted to massage her sore shoulder. It as only bruised thanks to her armor, but it hurt none the less.

"Farkus... I want to go hunting for these SilverHand cowards when we get out of here. Will you come with me? Just you, no one else" She suddenly piped up.

"You can't hope to defeat them just the two of us Silver!" Farkus said with great shock.

"I won't throw my life away you can be sure of that. I've got Astrid to think about, but I won't have these damned people murdering our kind. Giving them slow and painful deaths. No. I want to find them and kill them, one by one... Will you come with me?" Silver asked him again.

Vilkas and the others were just above them now. They could almost hear them scraping the last few rocks off the top of the table. Even in the darkness, Farkus could feel her sharp eyes on him.

"Of course I will, but let me make sure Vilkas lets us slip away" Farkus told her with a sigh.

Silver nodded and at that moment a dagger came through the top of the table and began to unhinge it. There was a snap of wood and light streamed into the darkness under the table. Silver and Farkus both hissed, snapped their eyes shut momentarily and allowed Vilkas to help them out after a time.

The taste of fresh air had never felt so sweet and Silver took a moment to revel in the sweet taste of freedom. Farkus followed from out the ruins afterwards and she watched him closely to make sure he told Vilkas they were slipping away.

"Are you both alright?!" Vilkas asked with alarm.

"Fine.. Thanks brother" Farkus said gently grabbing his brothers shoulder firmly.

"We better get you both home. Anjborn, get the horses"

"No Vilkas, I am fine... Besides, there is something Silver and I must do" He said after Anjborn had gone to retrieve the mounts.

When Silver saw the brothers were talking, she slipped away and began to untie her own horse, snatching the reigns from Theor who had wanted to ride her horse on the way back.

"Vilkas.. I er... It's time for me to" Farkus began, looking down at his pocket.

"Really?! Allright brother. I wish you well" He said with a smile of pride.

Farkus felt himself feeling rather hot in the face and looked away for a moment. Unlike Silver, he gently took the reins off Anjborn.

"Listen up, Silver and Farkus are going to check out a cave nearby for clues. The rest of us will head back to Jorvaskar and tell of our findings" Vilkas announced.

"What, I want to go with them! I thought Kodlak told us to stay together!" Theor moaned.

"Theor if you don't get on your horse and start riding down that mountain i'll put that axe somewhere which will make it impossible for you to walk for a week" Vilkas said which instantly silenced the Imperial.

Even Anjborn laughed at that remark and began to ride off down the mountain. Theor followed shortly and before departing, Vilkas gave his brother a warm smile before cantering off down the hill and into the evening sunset.

Re: SilverEye - A Skyrim Fanfiction by Shadowfax.

PostPosted: January 14th, 2014, 1:05 am
by Shadowfax
Chapter 9 - Promised eternity

SilverEye was on a mission and her heart was heavy. When she closed her eyes all she could see were those wolf heads on spikes. Herself and Farkus had been at a canter for atleast half an hour and the horses noses were blowing out jets of warm air against the cold night.

"Are we going to slow down anytime soon? The horses will keel over if you carry on like this" Farkus yelled ahead.

Silver heard him that time and slowed her mare down to a speedy walk. Farkus came up alongside of her looking equally as exhausted as the mares. He was breathing heavilly and his brow was drenched with sweat.

"Where are we heading exactly?" He asked her.

Silver didn't look at him, nor did she answer. All she could see was rage and she had to stop herself from transforming. The ring of Hircine clutched to her finger as if reminding her to keep her head, which she was just about managing to do at that moment.

Around the corner were more mountains and what looked like a Forsworn camp. She smirked. Some blood could be spilt at last. She leapt off her mares back and began to creep towards the camp. Farkus swore and leapt off his own horse, following her into the night.

The light of their fire was flickering lazily in the moonlight and all but one of them was asleep. Silver reached a rock and lay her back up against it, head peering over the top to count their numbers. There were five. One awake, the other four asleep. She slowly pulled her arrow out the holster and grabbed the bow on her back. She notched the arrow and took aim at the one standing by the fire.

The Forsworn elder was warming himself by the fire and was seemingly totally oblivious to all his surroundings. Before Silver could pull back her arm though, Farkus caught her hand roughly.

"What are you doing starting pointless fights with the forsworn?!" He spat.

"Getting answers" Silver replied bluntly.

"Like they are going to know anything about the Silver hand! Silver... Come on, lets go" Farkus pleaded.

"You go if you want. The forsworn are menaces.. We'd be doing Skyrim a favor" Silver said, snatching her arm back.

Her eyes met Farkus' confused ones. The sharpness there made Farkus back off, so Silver pulled back her arm and took aim. When she had the Forsworn in her eye line, she let the arrow fly. It hit him straight in the head and sent him tumbling into the fire soundlessly.

As the corpse burnt, it sent a foul smell through the air which made the horses feel uneasy. She ignored them for a moment and began to sneak towards the campsite soundlessly. Farkus didn't follow, but she didn't even check to see if he had.

The site had been set up on the edge of the mountains overlooking the beautiful land of Skyrim. The campsite itself consisted of a fire with a burning forsworn now on it. A cooking stove, two tents and a few bed rolls scattered across the floor. The odd bit of food was around also which Silver stepped over carefully.

Silver reached the first forsworn, a man dressed in fur armor. She sliced his throat soundlessly, then moved onto the next two. Both were female and she showed no mercy when she again ran a blade down their necks. The last one she had plans for though. He was about thirty by the look of it and looked slightly ill.
Silver threw back her hand and punched the man in the face. He woke with a yell and raised his arms instinctively to protect his face.

"Good morning" Silver snarled, pulling the man from his tent by the front of his shirt.

She threw him down on the rough ground and kicked the dagger he went to grab out the way before he could reach it. She kicked him in the stomach now and watched as he began to weep with pain and lack of air.

After that, she got some rope from the tent he was in and tied him up to one of the posts by the cooking stove. She picked up some hot irons and wandered over to him, kneeling so she was at his level. Silver had tied the mans hands behind his back and tied his legs together should he break free of the post.

"Now, I am going to be asking you some questions and I want you to tell me true or I will have to hurt you" Silver said darkly.

The man looked at her through eyes of worry, yet there was also a stubborness there too.

"You're a werewolf... I can sense the anger within you" He said.

"Speak only when you are spoken too fool. Now.. Where are the Silver Hand?"

The forsworn looked at her, confusion written all over his face as she asked him this question. Silver raised the hot iron tongs threateningly, which seemed to loosen his tongue immediately.

"I don't know... I... I.. I've not heard of them before" The man pleaded.

"Liar" Silver snarled, stabbing the red hot iron onto the mans shins.

A cry of pain echoed through the mountains then as the forsworn yelled out his suffering. Silver showed no remorse and kept her irons on his leg for at-least ten minutes until she could smell the burning.

"Please! I don't know who those people are... I live here in the mountains and keep to myself"

"Heh, except you raid villages, steal women and take all you need without care. Even if you don't know anything I should kill you anyway. But if you tell me what I need to know, then I will let you go" Silver said, waving the irons across his face once more.

"I... I...I... The... The old fort! They are up there.. I saw them... Two days ago.. Men with Silver armor" He suddenly said.

That made Silver angry though. Two days ago. That place had been empty for months. Silver took out her sword and got ready to strike. The forsworn whimpered and looked away, but Silver suddenly felt someone meet her own sword and push her back.

"Thats enough" Came Farkus's voice.

Silver looked over at him, eyes ablaze with anger as she lowered her sword. How dare he she thought. The forsworn looked up at Farkus, but said nothing. He was too scared now.

"Move" Silver snarled, but Farkus didn't move an inch.

"No. We're going. Now" Farkus said bluntly.

"Move Farkus. This bastard just tried to get us killed. He knows who they are, so we will know that for the next Forsworn camp we raid" Silver growled.

Farkus looked down at the Forsworn and smacked him across the head with the blunt of his sword. The man was sent into unconsciousness and his head rolled to one side.

"We won't be raiding anymore forsworn camps. It's pointless and if you come up against a Briar heart, your dead. Would Astrid want that?" Farkus said.

That touched a nerve and Silver threw herself forward and punched him on the side of the face. Farkus staggered backwards, but didn't fall over.

"Don't. Don't you EVER say that. You don't know anything about me.. or my sister!" Silver yelled, storming off back to the horses, her heart heavy and her hand throbbing.

"What's gotten into you?!" Farkus yelled after her.

Silver leapt up onto her horse once she reached them and began to canter away.

"Silver.. Wait!" Farkus called after her as she rode off into the distance.

A blizzard had started and Silver couldn't hear him. She was so confused and full of anger she didn't hear anything. She rode on, leaping over logs and rocks trying to get as far away as she could. Snowflakes lashed her face as she kicked her mare on. She arrived at a stream and the horse began to rear up.

"What is it?" Silver spat, but soon saw a frost troll ahead of them and understood.

She reached for her bow, but the troll had reached the horse and hit the mare across the chest, making her bleed. Silver stumbled from the saddle and landed in the ice cold stream, her face being hit by the oncoming water. The mare had bolted and Silver stood up to see the troll right infront of her.

Transform, her mind was telling her, but there was no way she could in this state of mind. She'd kill too many people and the beast could take over her permanently. The troll made a swing for her before she could reach for her sword and sent her crashing back into the stream.

The troll roared and leered down at her through cold eyes. This was it. But it wasn't. A shape of black leapt over her and onto the troll. The wolf bit deep into the trolls neck and the two skidded through the snow towards the rocks. Farkus' muzzle was becoming wet with crimson blood and Silver managed to get to her feet to see the two wrestling in the blizzard.

Silver began to let loose arrows, one bounced off the rocks, one hit the troll, but others were sent off in random directions due to the blizzard. It was no use. She rushed forward, sword drawn and ready to fight. Leaping up onto the trolls back she plunged the blade into it's neck and down into it's chest as far as she could. Trolls were thick skinned so it took all her strength to do this.

Farkus had leapt back out the way as the troll fell to the floor and Silver, still clutching to the blade fell with it as the body collapsed and the life left it's eyes. For a moment Silver felt like smiling, but she soon remembered that Farkus had hurt her and stopped her killing. He had transformed back now and was approaching her in the blizzard. She was ready for an argument, but she knew she'd be unable to pull the sword from the trolls neck.

"Silver... We need to get out of this storm..." Farkus yelled through the whistling wind.

"Get the horses... We'll ride through it" Silver retorted.

"Are you mad?! Look.....there's a cave up there!" Farkus pointed as he spotted the trolls cave.

"Get the horses" Silver said again.

Farkus ignored her and grabbed her by the wrist. Silver knew she didn't have the energy to fight back, but she pulled none the less. Farkus was stronger though and didn't let go. Once they were inside the cave he could hear alot more clearly and shook the snowflakes out of his hair.

It was grim to see that this used to be home to a hunter. The remains of him had been mostly eaten by the troll, and the fire still burnt brightly. Farkus slowly let go of Silver's wrist and settled down by the fire. Silver was restless and looked out at the blizzard.

"How long till the storm passes?" Silver almost demanded.

"No idea. Probably a few hours if I had to guess" Farkus replied, taking out some salmon to roast on the fire.

"Im going to the north to look for more clues. There are Forsworn out there so i'll find them and question them" Silver said aloud.

"Will you stop! Your mad on anger. Calm down, and just think about it" Farkus said.

"NO! You don't seem to understand. Those monsters are killing our kind. Mounting our heads on sticks for the world to see. They have no idea... How much we care about the people of Skyrim... They.. They.. They all need to die!" Silver yelled, her words echoing round the cave.

"We will see they get their come upance, but one person cannot do it alone. We all have to stick together. The Silver Hand are dangerous. I won't let you go out there. Im taking you home" Farkus said bluntly.

"You can try, but I won't go quietly" Silver said dangerously, reaching for the dagger.

"Silver.. What is wrong with you?" Farkus said, now his turn to yell.

"Nothing is wrong with me.. Im just defending our own kind!" Silver yelled back.

"Who the hell are you?! You're not the Nord I fell in love with!" Farkus boomed.

Silver's eyes widened at that and a small gasp escaped her lips. The grip on the daggers handle seemed to loosen and her stomach suddenly became light and bubbly. By the looks of it, Farkus hadn't realized he'd said it for a few seconds, but when reality hit him he went and stood by the fire quietly as a minutes silence over took them.

"Wh..." was all Silver could manage.

"For the love of Talos, i've been crazy about you since the day I met you. Everything about you is just.. perfect, even that damned hot headed temper of yours. I... I came out here to protect you, because if anything ever happened to you.. I'd never forgive myself. That's why I won't let you go out there alone. You can't keep chasing this anger.. Let it go, I promise you.. We will have our revenge one day... Please... calm down" Farkus said, stepping closer and placing a hand on her cheek.

Silver almost winced at the touch. She wasn't used to that kind of contact and didn't really know how to react at first. She looked up at Farkus with her deep eyes of silver and into his green ones.

"Let it go" He said again as words had left her once again.

Silver had already let it go. All that anger and hatred had melted away. The heads of the werewolves, that saddened her, but there was nothing she could do for them now... They were dead. And in that moment nothing else in the world mattered. All that mattered was her and Farkus. All those feelings he had for her, she realized she too had them for him. They'd just been under lock and key up until that moment.

Her dagger clattered to the floor and she found herself kissing him passionately moments later. She felt her heart racing and her closed eyes starting to water with happiness and also regret for how she had acted. When she pulled away she rest her forehead against his and allowed a few tears to fall.

"Im so sorry" She wept into his shoulder as all emotions came out and she realized how foolish she had been.

Farkus held onto her tightly, allowing her to cry into his shoulder. Just being close to her like this was all he had wanted for months, but plucking up the courage to tell her had been something of a challenge. However it was out now and both knew they had feelings for one another.

"It's alright.... It's alright" Farkus whispered, gently stroking her hair as Silver's sobs began to subside.

He took her over to the fire and sat her down by the warmth. He collected the salmon he had been cooking and handed her a piece on a plate. She took it gratefully and began to chew on it, her damp eyes starting to dry by the flames of the fire. Every now and then she would catch Farkus' eye and would look away shyly.

"Thanks for the salmon and thanks for.... Being there for me. I never thought i'd have feelings for you aswell after our rough start" She said, remembering how Farkus had hated her in the beginning.

She pulled off her armor and set it by the fire to dry for it was still damp from when she had fallen in the stream. Farkus too did the same until they were both in their tunics. Silver crawled over to him and rest her head in his lap so she could look up at him.

"Your still a pain at times, but I love that about you" Farkus teased, tapping her on the nose.

Silver smirked and heaved a sigh of contentment. She hadn't felt this happy in so long and now all that anger had gone it left only happiness. The soft crackling of the fire started to make her feel a little tired, but she fought it for she wanted to spend more time with Farkus.

"Vilkas knew how I felt, but I.. I guess I was just waiting for the right moment. I was going to tell you tonight anyway, though I thought the circumstances would be different... But I am happy you feel the same way" Farkus said, reaching into his pocket.

Silver watched him closely and soon found herself sitting up as Farkus held out the palm of his hand. Inside his hand was a small silver ring. It had a wolf head engraved into it with silver rubies for eyes. The fire made the rubies shine and glitter, but Silver felt her words choked back in the back of her throat as she watched it, tears filling her eyes again.

"Silver... I've known since the day I met you, that you were the Nord i'd want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you and im not afraid to admit that now. Will you do me the greatest honor and become my wife?" Farkus said, his voice shaking.

Silver let out a small sob before throwing her arms about his neck and hugging him tightly.

"Of course I will. I will be yours and you'll be mine. Always and forever, for all eternity" Silver whispered kissing the side of his head.

She looked down at the ring, then Farkus took her hand in his own and placed the ring on her left hand on an index finger. It was a perfect fit and Silver beamed at it when she looked down. It was perfect and she felt like she were in a dream, hoping never to awaken. She then laughed to herself.

"What is it?" Farkus asked immediately.

"Today is my twenty first birthday" Silver said with another chuckle.

"I.. You should have said, I would have gotten you something" Farkus said alarmed.

"You've already given me the most amazing gift Farkus..." She said, gently placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him once more.

She fell back on the bedroll, Farkus still kissing her gently and falling with her. When he pulled back, she gently stroked his cheek and looked up at him mischievously. She ran a hand down his arm and down his chest, her eyes flickering in the light of the fire.

"We shouldn't, not till our wedding" Farkus soothed.

Silver smiled wickedly and pulled him by the front of his tunic to kiss her again. She broke away and looked up at him.

"We should" She whispered in the dim lit cave.