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Tue rebirth of the great war of fiction 1 friends of foes ?

PostPosted: September 3rd, 2014, 2:42 pm
by SuperED
Hey everyone superEd here and this is the beginnig of part 2 of the great war of fiction story arc and chapter 11 of it . But I have a question do you guys think I'm a bad writer ? Because when I posted the new chapter the other day the review was not good if you guys don't like this story please ket me know by replying please . But here you go I own nothing
After they managed ti scare off the mysterious animals the former reality show contestants gathered supples while Chris wen on complaining about the plane . As Tyler ran to get more food he noticed something lying in front of him when he looked down he gasped in horror ." Oh my god Katie and Sadie are dead !" he shrieked everyone looked shocked and terrified as the twins lay dead well everyone but Chris " this is great ! Death drama will send ratings through the roof !" he said not caring the slightist bit about the bodies in front of him . Everybody else glared at him even the thicker skinned , more sadistic teens like Duncan and Alejandro were extremely terrified by the events around them . They were running out of food so they went into what used to be Chris's room where all the good food was . Much to host's anger ."hey those are mine ! You can't eat that I'm the one who gets the edible food !" Chris yells as all 51 teens simply smirk and take his food . After all the crap he'd put them
through they couldn't care less if he died out here . As they ate and lit a bonfire they
enjoyed all the food Chris and Chef had been hoarding from meat to candy to fish his
refrigerator had everything . Owen was given less food because of his already huge size
Unfortunately while Cody was eating a big slab of steak he dropped it and something or more
acurately someone near by smelled it . When he accidentally dropped it and head popped
out of the darkness and stole it . A head that resembled a canies . " Ah wild dog !" he said
jumping back afraid ." I'm not a dog man I'm a hyena !" the animal growled . This only caused
the startled teenager more fear . " please don't eat me !" he said extremely scared . " relax
man I won't eat you I just want the steak"
The hyena told him. " That's a relief . Sorry for screaming my name is Cody what's yours " he
asks the hyena ." I'm Banzai nice to meet you man !" Banzai says happily " our pack has been
ordered by our boss to find you the newcomers and see how many of you there was " he told
his new friend ." sure come on over !" Cody said excitedly . At first cody's friends were not
happy about meeting Banzai due to having to share their food but after Cody explained why
he was there they were quick to introduce themselves . " hi I'm Owen " the fat teen says :cry: bubblely Banzai was a bit tempted to eat Owen because of his size but didn't because he
liked Owen as a friend rather than food . " I'm Noah" the bookworm said dryly as he looked up
from his book and smiled at the hyena . " I am Harold it's great to be in the presence of
another with such mad skills " the nerd says bowing . Banzai found this funny. Next two blonde teens walked up to him . The guy who was clearly ecstatic to meet new people hugged Banzai closely "hey dude what's up ! I'm Geoff and this my girlfriend Brigitte it's cool to met ya bro " he said finally letting go. " sorry about him he's just a big party animal " Brigitte
laughed . Bsnzai smiled these two were obviously a great couple . Then a heavily built African American teen walked up . " hi I'm DJ it's nice to meet you !" he says happily then he starts petting him " sorry I just love petting animals I have a pet bunny do you wanna see him ?" DJ asked innocently ." Well um the thing is DJ the animals I hang out with are more likely to eat your bunny then pet it understand ?" Banzai explained. DJ nodded with understanding .
Next a male punk teen and mocha skinned girl walked up to him . " hey dude the names Duncan cool to meet you ya know even though everyone else is freaked our it's not so scary to me I spent a good portion of my life in prison "he explained Banzai nodded the graveyard was like prison so he could relate ." I'm courtney Duncan's ex and Cody's girlfriend I'm a CIT so if you need lawyers talk to me " she said . Then a large African American girl and and a skinny girl with black hair walked up to him " hi honey the names leshawna it's nice to meet you don't worry I've gone through a lot worse then this trust me this is not the leshawna is leving this world !" she said ready to survive Banzai knew Shenzi would get along with her well . Tue skinny Asian spoke next " hi I'm heather don't worry about these other looseers they won't last a day out here she smirked . Banzai met many interesting people Tyler the failed jock Lindsey the dumb blonde, Justin the hot guy ,Beth his nerdy girlfriend , trent the 9 obsessed musician , Gwen the cool goth girl , Ezeakial the oddly named home school sexist . Eva the scary buff girl , Alejandro the sly latin teen , Sierra the Cody obsessed psycho , izzy the total metal case , Mike the normal teen with multiple personalities and many more . Banzai took then to the hyena hunting party Ed and Owen hit it Off as did leshawna and Shenzi soon enough they reach Scar's cave ."This is the king's cave he's kind of a douche so just be cool "Shenzi explained . When they walked in they were greeted by a large lion with red fur , a black mane and a large scar on his eye . " I see we have visitors " he purrs . " Yeah boss just like you asked " Banzai said clearly sweating . " sit down everyone. we need to talk " he said " you see we are fighting a war against are nieghboring lands the Pridelands We were hoping a few of you would help us fight them ." Scar explained to the teens " well what are the Pridelanders like ?" Courtney asked " the Pridelands is a lush wonderful grassland filled with life unfortunately due to crimes I've committed in the past we can't go there . The people there hold a strong belief in the circle of life sadly they do not include certain animals in this " he said " like hyenas" Banzai muttered crossly ." Yes yes Banzai we all know about your grudge against the circle of life but anyway earlier I've spoken to your host and he said that the breaking of teams would go like this for those of you that participated in season 5 total drama all stars the heroric hamsters would be Pridelanders while the villainous vultures would be Outlanders the rest of you can pick your side choose wisely " he instructed being that sierra was a pridelander and Courtney was an outlander Cody found becoming a outlander to be an easy choice . His friends agreed and fooled him Lindsey and Tyler along with geoff and Brigitte were split up do to there sides DJ chose the Pridelands for bunny's safety . Mike went to the pridelands to make sure his evil personality didn't escape . Leshawna stayed with Harold and became an outlander. As the heroic hamsters and Pridelanders by choice packed up for there move the others started their first days as outlanders