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Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 21st, 2013, 1:17 am
by Kipekee
fifty one

Sonic shrugged. "How long will it take?"
Sampson didn't respond.
Sonic just sighed and went in the plane.
They all followed and they took off for Northern City again.

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 27th, 2013, 1:00 am
by Kipekee

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 27th, 2013, 9:23 am
by Adofo

Nala: If you ever need our help again, you know where to find us!
Sonic: You bet! See ya!
The entire team takes off in the plane.
Mufasa: Boys, why don't the four of us go on a little walk? To catch up.
Simba: Sounds good!
The four walk away from the pride and wander around the pridelands.
Mufasa: Boys,ever since we've come back I've felt something tense between you two and me. Now talk!
Simba: It''s about how you died......I've tried to move on but........deep down....I guess i still blame myself.
Sarabi: Simba, it wasn't your fault. We all should have seen through Scars plan and took care of him a long time ago!
Adofo: You're wrong!......I should have said something.......Uncle Scar...always seemed a little odd. I should have known! And it took me 5 years to figure it out! I guess since he was our uncle, in our eyes he was by default a nice guy. *sigh* I should have said something! I don't deserve to be your son. I couldn't even save you after you saved me and raised me!
Mufasa: Boys, it wasn't your fault! If anyone is to blame besides Scar it's me! I grew up with him, I should have saw this long before you two were around...but I let my brotherly love for him blind me! Simba, you came back, you took back you place! Adofo, you do deserve to be our son! When I found you I knew there was something special about you! I've seen what you've done and you've done more for our pride than anyone else has before! And I'm proud of you! Both of you! Both me and your mother are very proud to call you our sons!

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 28th, 2013, 11:10 pm
by Kipekee
fifty three


Sonic, Tails and Knuckles were on a hill. Knuckles was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed and arms crossed, just relaxing. Tails and Sonic were whispering.
"What do you think he thinks of when he closes his eyes?" Tails asked.
"That he's killing me with his bare hands for 'being annoying'." Sonic joked.
"Oh! Oh!" Tails said, flailing his arms. "That he's with Kelsey -"
Knuckles opened one eye. "Ahem."
They stopped and tried their best not to start laughing.
Knuckles sighed, opened the other eye and sighed. Actually, both. He thought. Then he smirked. Although, the first one was better. BOTH of you.
Tails and Sonic were laughing. Knuckles rolled his eyes. Might as well say something.
"Would you shut up?" Knuckles growled.

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 29th, 2013, 9:45 pm
by Kipekee

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 29th, 2013, 10:09 pm
by Adofo

At a maximum security prison.
Guard: Prisoner 185467, you are free to go!
An old man walks out of the prison, free but with an evil look on his face.
Reed: I'm coming for you, you filthy little creatures!

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 29th, 2013, 10:58 pm
by Kipekee
fifty five

Back at the hill
Knuckles awaited their reply when he heard a familiar voice.
He smiled and looked to the bottom of the hill.
Kelsey was at the bottom looking back up at him.

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 30th, 2013, 2:01 am
by Kipekee

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 30th, 2013, 2:41 am
by Adofo

Knuckles: Hey there beautiful! Come up here!
Kelsey ran up the hill as fast as she could.
Knuckles: What's wrong? You look worried!
Kelsey: I am. I don't know what it is but....something doesn't feel right.

Re: the story of my life [ collaborated fiction ]

PostPosted: December 30th, 2013, 2:56 am
by Kipekee

Kelsey just sighed. "Do you mind if I stay with you guys? Just to be safe."
Sonic was just about to open his mouth to say something when Knuckles smiled.
"Why the hell not?"