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Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 17th, 2015, 10:23 pm
by Carl
[quote="Ninaroja"]I'd rather only ever have one significant other who I stay with forever and who is definitely "the one" than go through lots of people/grief/stress[/quote]
That's what I wanted, too, but I have begun to doubt the possibility of it. I feel like holding out as long as I did looking for that one person was in the long run detrimental. It made me trust too easily, and feel secure too easily, and now I am a month single and haven't had a day in over two years that I didn't think about my ex. :/

I would like to be in a relationship, and I really want the next one to stick... but I've been having vastly changing ideas on the subject for the past month or so, and don't really know how to find one anyway. :? I also don't think it's in my best interest right now, and I'm not sure if it ever will be. Things become so complicated when you have to worry about someone else's happiness, health, and etc. as well as your own, and I do good to take care of myself and the 7 year old.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 17th, 2015, 11:24 pm
by SlayerOfLight
I've been single for my whole life, and so far I've been doing fine with it. But I'd really like to change that someday (or maybe soon) because living for too long with my parents really starts to get frustrating, especially with being over 20 years old when you want to be independent. I get annoyed by pretty much everything they do and say etc. Funny thing is, most people I know just think you simply ''go out and meet someone'' like in some romantic fairytale or something, while unfortunately it's not really that simple. lol I go out quite often and have pretty much disproven this myth.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 17th, 2015, 11:59 pm
by Carl
[quote="Nicholas"]Funny thing is, most people I know just think you simply ''go out and meet someone'' like in some romantic fairytale or something, while unfortunately it's not really that simple. lol I go out quite often and have pretty much disproven this myth.[/quote]
Exactly. People keep saying things like that to me, but it really isn't that simple. Most people you meet won't be constants in your life, and a lot of them aren't around enough to even find out if they're compatible. Then there's a lot of people in their 20s who are already with someone, and it pretty much never happens like on movies with some random encounter. It's really hard to find a plausible candidate, much less someone you like who's also interested in you. It's by no means impossible, but it really isn't as simple as some people think.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 12:05 am
by Ninaroja
I went out with friends today - for the most part I was the 5th wheel. I even made a jokey Facebook post about it. I always joke about it.

It would be kinda nice to change it though :/

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 12:12 am
by FlipMode
It's not so much "Go out and meet someone" it's more just... Well here's the thing, if I get on well with someone then I'll ask them to hang out. If they are single and there is mutual attraction then nature will take care of the rest, otherwise it's a fun day out and life goes on for me either way.

I love myself and that's the most important person to have love for anyway. Because at the end of the day, everything burns away in the end. So just fill your life with awesome moments, hang out with friends etc. If attraction is there, it'll happen, if not then it won't.
You'll find someone simply by living, but I guarantee: nobody ever found their partner while they were sitting at home worrying about being single: something to think about ^^

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 12:39 am
by SlayerOfLight
Or it could be that some people are just doomed to be stuck alone forever. Because the undenyable fact is that life isn't fair. Some people are just lucky, others aren't. Not trying to be ''whiny'' by the way, because that's totally unlike me (especially in a forum like here). But I'm only just saying what I think. It's all ''Survival of the Fittest''.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 12:42 am
by Carl
Yeah I have an uncle in his 40s who's never been with anyone, and I'm pretty sure he won't be as he doesn't ever leave the house. It just doesn't work out for everyone. Simple fact.

We can hope, however that maybe those of us here who'd like someone will be lucky enough to find someone.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 12:49 am
by SlayerOfLight
^ Wow for real? That's quite messed up... Not something you'd even wish unto your enemies.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 9:19 am
by FlipMode
[quote="Julie Skywalker"]Yeah I have an uncle in his 40s who's never been with anyone, and I'm pretty sure he won't be as he doesn't ever leave the house. [/quote]

Not really doing himself any favours then. It's different if you don't want one or don't really care but all this talk of "luck" and "hope" is just... Well I don't get it. Winning the lottery takes luck and is something to hope for. But you can do something to help your relationship status, which is actually start asking people out and expressing interest.

Re: Real-Life Relationships

PostPosted: July 18th, 2015, 1:38 pm
by SlayerOfLight
^ But the issue is what if you don't have anyone to ask out, lol. You can't just wander about on the street and ask random girls/guys to go on a date, they'd merely laugh at you because let's be honest, It'd be pretty weird if someone unknown walks to you and all of a sudden asks you to go out while he/she doesn't even know you. The thing with luck is that you LITERALLY have to be at the right place at the right moment. I think the chance of that is even lower than finding a needle in a haystack. Like I said, I go out all the time so I'm telling this from my own perspective.