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What are the lions favourite kind of meat?

PostPosted: March 16th, 2015, 11:16 pm
by PrincessKiara
Do you think the lions of TLK have a favourite type of meat? If they all had a favourite type of meat/animal that they favoured eating, what would it be?
You have for example noticed that the first animal Simba mentions eating when he comes to the jungle and meets Timon and Pumbaa is zebra - perhaps that`s his favourite? ;)

Re: What are the lions favourite kind of meat?

PostPosted: March 17th, 2015, 1:11 am
by SimbasGuard
[quote="PrincessKiara"]the first animal Simba mentions eating when he comes to the jungle and meets Timon and Pumbaa is zebra - perhaps that`s his favourite? ;)[/quote]

That is the first thing I thought of when i read the name of this topic. Scar also brings a piece of Zebra to the Hyenas. so it is possible that Simba has a preference for Zebra.

Re: What are the lions favourite kind of meat?

PostPosted: March 17th, 2015, 2:49 am
by TheLionPrince
Simba mentions the consumption of antelope during Mufasa's teaching of the Circle of Life when he said, "But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?" In Simba's Pride, Kiara starts her first hunt on a herd of Rhim gazelles (gazelles fall within the antelope species) so it's safe to assume the lions mostly prefer zebras and antelopes in their diet.

Giraffes and elephants wouldn't be too high on their diet unless they reach that point of desperation of having to consume one. They would mostly pursue the calves if they fall behind from the herd and are capable of being taken down, or the more older and sickly ones. So, it's difficult to pinpoint a specific preference of meat within the films since there's little screentime devoted to it so I assume the lions select their choice of meat based on the herd's availability.

Re: What are the lions favourite kind of meat?

PostPosted: March 17th, 2015, 12:12 pm
by SlayerOfLight
Any meat they can get their paws on I guess.