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COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: August 8th, 2016, 3:44 pm
by ScarXZira10889
Hey before you all read I guess some of you will be like "Oh no another huge fan of the Scar, Zira and Nuka theory" Well that's true I really do like this theory but I don't mind people's opinions on this because they are really interesting and this is just a theory. So before I go into detail with Scar i want to show you guys a picture of Zira and Nuka close up. It is NOT any FANART! I promise. (I don't really go on DA that much lol, So, Moving on... So here is a picture of Nuka :creepynuka: Image So I promise that this isn't photoshopped or anything this is a picture from the scene of when he dies And I was able to get a really good close up of his eyes. So now let's look at Zira. Image Okay, creepy picture I know but it was one of the only best close ups that I could get. So there eyes are exactly the same colour and to be honest in these two pictures we see that they :evil: :evil: both kind of resemble the same face or facial features. A few of the only differences are is that they both have different ear shapes and that Kovu's nose is smaller well maybe because both female lions (Lionesses) and male lions both have different ears. But I think with the red eyes thing we might have a little something there... :-o Also in the SP we hear Nuka say: Kovu,Kovu,Kuvu Scar wasn't even his father but just because he said that doesn't really mean that he is the actual son of Scar. So let's move on to Scar :evil: to see if he has any similarties between Nuka. Oh wait! Before we move on I know that people will say "I know but Kovu looks a lot like Scar and he has a lot of similarities too." Yeah,I know guys, I know that but that's another story for another day but just to let you guys know that Darren Rooney one of the Lion king's directors said on Facebook that Kovu is just an orphan to both Scar and Zira but like I said that's another story for another day.
Now let's move on!!!!! :evil: :sinister: :ohgawd: So now we are looking at the differences of Scar and Nuka. :evil: :saywhat: Image Image So, Some of the similarities are is that they both resemble the same facial features and that there head shape is quite the same/similar and also they both have the same colour black mane. (With Kovu's being a dark brown mane) Now the only differences are is that Scar's fur is an brownish-orange colour and Nuka's is darker brown colour. Also Scar and Nuka's noses are very different and there chins are very similar and there Eye shapes could be different/similar. What do you guys think? If i have missed any similarities/differences please let me know! :evil: :zira-happy: :nukawut:

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: September 5th, 2016, 7:25 am
by SimbasGuard
Disney has officially stated that Scar is not The Father of any of Zira's cubs. Although I can not banish my head-canon that says he is Scar And Zira's son, just because it makes so much sense to me.

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: October 8th, 2016, 7:08 pm
by ScarXZira10889
, excuse me but where is the proof? Capricorn foxes post on DA? She could have easily typed and altered that stuff up.

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: October 8th, 2016, 7:08 pm
by ScarXZira10889
Darrell Rooney said that Scar and Zira's relationship was obscured.

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: October 11th, 2016, 6:18 am
by SimbasGuard
[quote="ScarXZira10889"]Darrell Rooney said that Scar and Zira's relationship was obscured.[/quote]
Yes. That was done to assure that Kovu was not Scar's son. However in obscuring Scar and Zira's relationship. It also slammed the door on Nuka being Scar and Zira's son.

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: October 24th, 2016, 9:54 pm
by ScarXZira10889
Really? How? Actually they DID have a relationship but it's unclear to what type it was. -.-

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: March 11th, 2017, 7:21 am
by SimbasGuard
O.K. after having four months to think about this and finding nothing in the universal rules about bumping an old topic. I feel I can say this:

There is absolutely doubt that Zira is Nuka's mother, However due to the relationship that Scar had with Zira being obscured we can not definitely say that Scar is Nuka's father. I personally love the idea and the fact is that Zira's comment on The Lion Guard, that she and Scar were close very close. Further adds fuel to this theories' fire. However this theory requires complete speculation. As well as reading (likely too much) into what Zira said. The fact is that until Disney actually states that Scar is Nuka's father. Outside if our head canons, we have to go with what Disney has given us. We do not know what Zira's relationship to Scar was. We however do know that Kovu is not Scar's son. We also know that from what we have seen in The Lion King Universe, is that Lions have monogamous relationships with their mates. Given that fact and the fact that Kovu is not Scar's son. The Idea that Nuka is Scar's son basically becomes impossible.

Re: COULD Nuka be the son to Zira and Scar?

PostPosted: April 7th, 2017, 12:03 am
by Alexterri1
I guess it's a possibility? It isn;'t outright stated in the movie that Nuka isn't Scar's son, and considering a. his resemblance to them both and b. that "Kovu, kovu, kovu, he isn't even scares real son, he just took him in...." line, I think its reasonable to infer that Nuka is Scar and Zira's son. But there's no official confirmation.