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Re: Was Nala afraid of the Elephant Graveyard?

PostPosted: November 28th, 2016, 9:39 pm
by FlipMode
I think she was just going along with it at first and then when he told her it was an elephant graveyard she was like "Woah okay, that's different!"
I'd be the same if someone asked me to hang out and then suggested going to a graveyard.

Re: Was Nala afraid of the Elephant Graveyard?

PostPosted: November 29th, 2016, 7:56 am
by Panda-chan
Good discussion so far :P Was not expecting so many replies lol

[quote="PrincessKiara"]It`s true that when the cubs first arrive at the graveyard that Simba seems excited while Nala appears shocked and startled - I feel she gets over this quickly, though. When they are looking out across the graveyard, Simba appears to be ready to dive in and explore, while I feel Nala is more reserved and aware of the danger they`re in. The cubs both seem aware that they`re doing something dangerous and forbidden, but Simba is the one who acts more boldly, like you said.
When Nala mentions the elephants brains and Simba wants to "go check it out," we see Nala standing behind him, smiling as Simba moves forward. To me, she seems at this point at ease and eager to explore.[/quote]
Right, I think at the very least we can agree that Nala was more aware of the danger they were in. And at the "I wonder if it's brains are still there" bit, right before Zazu interrupts, I do get the sense that Nala is slowly starting to feel more comfortable with exploring.

[quote="Simba_Lion"]But when they get cornered by the hyneas, their reactions are different again:
This photo may confirm your theory that she was afraid all the time, and now as they really got in trouble, she was not ashamed to admit that.[/quote]
Again, she knows that they're both in grave danger at this point; I think Simba is less scared because he stands in front of her and tries to roar at the hyenas despite how futile it is. Also, when they first meet the trio of hyenas, notice how Simba is the only one talking tough but Nala sort of shrinks back in fear.

Or maybe Simba is just as terrified as Nala the entire time, but he's doing his best to hide it? After all, recall that Simba's idea of bravery is "not being afraid of anything". It would explain why he was so cocky about laughing in the face of danger, but then darted behind Nala and Zazu the moment he heard the hyenas' laughter :lol:

Re: Was Nala afraid of the Elephant Graveyard?

PostPosted: December 27th, 2016, 10:24 pm
by PrincessKiara
[quote="SimbasGuard"][quote="Simba_Lion"]I wonder whether this is because she's a girl. How would she have acted if she had been a boy?[/quote]

I don't think Nala's fear in the face of The Hyenas had anything at all to do with her being a female.[/quote]

Thank you.

I also think that Simba was putting on a brave face for Nala, he was eager to show off. I think he would have acted differently if he`d been alone.