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Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2018, 9:43 pm
by Elton John
they did it so that fuli would learn a lesson from that pseudobabble charlatan tortoise. They could have done it better but eh.

Oh right did I mention that the tortoise wasn’t all that wise? I too can blather out hallmark birthday card nonsensicality, it doesn’t make me wise or knowledgable.

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 3rd, 2018, 11:46 pm
by gothprincesskiara
Ok first dont forget this is a children's show, they arnt going to pay attention to any reaction expectation from us older fans, they keep things low key and simply general, which I dont like but I just go with it.
This episode reminded me of my self when it comes to the tortoises lesson, patients and taking it slow is a good lesson to kids, as well as me.
I didnt see any problem with Fulis singing I think it was fine, but again they always have to have a song in every other episode again this is where they quickly picked a filler.
Why does Makini have to be so annoying and obnoxious, got I hope she lessons on that, she is to perky for me.
It seemed like this whole episode was just a big fat filler with random stuff and they throw a tortoise in with the lesson of patient as the center peace.
BUT here is the way I see it, Scars first ambush trap was a fail, it takes a while for these villeins and heroes to come up with Ideas and new requtes, that doesn't happen over night. So thats where Kongwe said to just wait and figure things out as you go.
Again this episode was mostly about teaching the younger viewers about patients and that its good to slow down sometimes, even we adults need to remember this sometimes.

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 4th, 2018, 2:21 am
by SwagaliciousXXX
[quote="AnonLion"]The side plot of bridge Beshte didn't add anything. It was pointless and nothing in the episode would have changed if we hadn't seen it. You can tell it's just there to fill more episode time. Why not use that time instead for Kion and Simba's initial talk regarding Scar?[/quote]

I don't think the focus was on Beshte, but on Kion. Fuli wasn't in any immediate danger but she's constantly rushing, and putting themselves in danger. Kion is in immediate danger during the fire, but he still takes the time to stop and think, "What's the best way out of this situation?" There's also that one part where Ono tries to warn them about something but Kion and friends rush off to save the elands. Maybe the writers were trying to show there's a time to rush and a time to think, you don't always have to do one or the other. Especially since Fuli and Kongwe are at extreme ends of the scale.

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 4th, 2018, 10:21 am
by Ninclow
I like how, on the "Scorpion Sting" thread, that someone wrote something along the lines of: "I think Makini's staff breaking is becoming sort of a running gag by this point". And then, in the very next episode,

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 6th, 2018, 8:05 am
by SimbasGuard
I liked the episode, I was a bit taken aback by Kongwe's advice as my initial reaction was,

[quote="SimbasGuard"] You got nothing.[/quote]

However you could say that she told them to be prepared, she just neglected to say what they should prepare for. That being the case from a military perspective if you take Kongwe's advice you should try to cover all your bases in the meantime. Which in a war you should do anyway. I guess Kongwe's advice just reminds them to not be to hasty in their defense perorations, so as not to miss anything.

Also Simba and Kion were displeased with Kongwe's advice until Fuli explained what she was saying.

As for why Simba could not go to meet Kongwe: After the assassination attempt (that nearly worked) Simba going out on his own would have been a bad Idea. He would have either needed all of The Lion Guard or a large contingent of Lionesses with him. (and let's face it Adult Lionesses of Simba's Pride are extremely had to find on this show).

As for Simba talking with Mufasa: I think Simba was only able to do this because Kion was with him. I still think Kion's ability to communicate with Mufasa is a power granted to him by The Roar.

Given what Mufasa had to say about Scar, my theory about Mufasa being the one to defeat Scar was shot down.

As for Fuli's Song: I love it when Fuli sings. I wish she would get more songs, I did not like this as well as I have her other songs, but it was still very good.

I think the reason that previous footage of Fuli was used was because she was singing to Kongwe so having her actually run around during that scene just would not wave worked.

As for Fuli's Fight with Makucha: While I did not give this much thought at the time. I get the feeling that he was not afraid of Fuli, he was toying with her trying to see what she can really do and perhaps assess what kind of threat she may become. Perhaps he was careful of how he dealt with Fuli so as not to give The Lion Guard a reason to come after him. The Reason Fuli was able to tackle him was because she worked up speed before lunging at him (she used this move against Vitani and Janja as well).

As for Makini. I am pleased to see that she tried to use some martial arts. Being that The Pride Lands are now at war, I think Rafiki should give Makini more combat training. Preferably unarmed combat considering how she always breaks or looses her staff.

As for showing what the rest of The Lion Guard was doing while Fuli was on her mission. This was needed(as was mentioned by SwagaliciousXXX) as a juxtaposition to what Fuli was doing so as to better further the moral of the story. (something I did not consider), besides sticking with Fuli, Makini, and Kongwe through the whole episode would have gotten old fast. Although I admit seeing Kion tell Simba about Scar being back would have made for an interesting scene. I thought it was O.K. to showcase Beshte's strength in a way we have not yet seen. There is also the possibility that we could very well see another Big B Bridge at some point in the future. Although I am surprised that Kion didn't tell The Elands to cross one at a time.

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 6th, 2018, 9:12 am
by TTB-Kun
[quote="SimbasGuard"]I liked the episode, I was a bit taken aback by Kongwe's advice as my initial reaction was,
As for Simba talking with Mufasa: I think Simba was only able to do this because Kion was with him. I still think Kion's ability to communicate with Mufasa is a power granted to him by The Roar.
i don't think so, makini said something about all royal lions able to talk with the spirits of lion in the past during the rise of scar i think

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 7th, 2018, 3:43 am
by KionScar
It has been mentioned previously that those of Simba's Pride can talk to Mufasa/kings of the past.

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 7th, 2018, 9:58 am
by SimbasGuard
[quote="TTB-Kun"][quote="SimbasGuard"]i don't think so, makini said something about all royal lions able to talk with the spirits of lion in the past during the rise of scar i think[/quote]

[quote="KionScar"]It has been mentioned previously that those of Simba's Pride can talk to Mufasa/kings of the past.[/quote][/quote]

I'll have to watch The Rise of Scar again, but I thought that only The Lions of Simba's Pride knew of Rafiki's ability to talk with the Kings of the past. :? I could very well be wrong.

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 8th, 2018, 2:47 am
by PridelandsPhantom
I will first say: FULI, wee my fav! :fuliohyeah: :fuli2: I love her voice actress and was happy to get a Fuli song. Fuli's VA has a really awesome singing voice! :) I to was getting annoyed at all the interruptions of slowing down to look at every little thing, and in the end she had no sound advice on how to really defeat Scar.

Fuli vs Mucuka (sp?) was one of my favorite parts. I like the leopards and feel they're underused as the bad guys. Yes, Fuli does need to slow down sometimes, but why couldn't Simba have gone to see the tortoise himself?

Re: The Wisdom of Kongwe

PostPosted: April 9th, 2018, 4:15 am
by SimbasGuard
[quote="SimbasGuard"][quote="TTB-Kun"][quote="SimbasGuard"]i don't think so, makini said something about all royal lions able to talk with the spirits of lion in the past during the rise of scar i think[/quote]

[quote="KionScar"]It has been mentioned previously that those of Simba's Pride can talk to Mufasa/kings of the past.[/quote][/quote]

I'll have to watch The Rise of Scar again, but I thought that only The Lions of Simba's Pride knew of Rafiki's ability to talk with the Kings of the past. :? I could very well be wrong.[/quote]

I watched The Rise Of Scar today. I was wrong. As TTB-Kun and KionScar said The Lions of Simba's Pride Can hear The Great Lions of the Past.

[quote="PridelandsPhantom"]why couldn't Simba have gone to see the tortoise himself?[/quote]

After the Assassination Attempt and with the threat of a full on war looming. Simba leaving Pride Rock for any significant length of time. Is probably a bad idea.