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Re: Why was TLK so popular?

PostPosted: October 5th, 2013, 8:16 pm
by S1mb4 D4 L10n
I think its because its based off of Hamlet (and hamlet was a masterpiece work of literature). Disney took advantage of the great story and the ease of animated storytelling, to have a really great story but also keep the Disney innocence element for kids to. And the adorable animation :)

Re: Why was TLK so popular?

PostPosted: October 5th, 2013, 9:39 pm
by KingCub
It was at the peak of Disney's popularity, witch brought a lot of people in to see it. The story was great, most modern movies now can't even hold up to how well the story is in TLK. The characters where all very likable, and cute for kids. The animation was one of the best ever done for movies of that point, and they did a great job at advertising the movie!

Re: Why was TLK so popular?

PostPosted: October 6th, 2013, 4:32 pm
by InsaneSeagull
Yeah, I have to agree with KovuLives5299, that Hamlet plays a great role in this. Unlike most of Disney movies, this wasn't based on a fairy tale, but on a tragic play, and that gives it a line of maturity, seriousness and darkness. It has meaning, and many messages, that can be useful in real life. Characters are very well developed, and the story, and whatsoever.

And, again, it's just AWESOME! And popularity comes with awesomeness =P .

Re: Why was TLK so popular?

PostPosted: October 6th, 2013, 4:44 pm
by Regulus
In case I haven't said it already:

[quote="KristinaKiara"]Yeah, have I agree with KovuLives5299, that Hamlet plays a great role in this. Unlike most of Disney movies, this wasn't based on a fairy tale, but on a tragic play, and that gives it a line of maturity, seriousness and darkness. It has meaning, and many messages, that can be useful in real life. Characters are very well developed, and the story, and whatsoever.[/quote]


Re: Why was TLK so popular?

PostPosted: October 6th, 2013, 9:47 pm
by FlipMode
"It was the moment we moved from children's entertainment, to just entertainment" ~ woman from documentary on the DVD.

Broader appeal = more potential popularity.