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Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 8:01 pm
by Tekir
[quote="Noahcs"]I completely agree to your guys' comments about The Fox and the Hound. The scene where Todd has to be taken to the forest with that song playing really does a number on me. Especially that song that is playing in the background. It made me think of my own grandmother.[/quote]
Even though I don't remember anything of the movie (not even sure if I even watched it...), I remember that I was crying a little when I saw this scene of The Fox and the Hound on Youtube. I've got to say that, like you, the song playing in the background had quite an effect on me. With the song playing and the old woman shedding a few tears, it also made me think of my grandma and how I couldn't bear to see her sad.

As for Mufasa's death, I don't remember crying while seeing it. To tell the truth, I never really cried while watching TLK. I feel sad and get either watery eyes or feel goosebumps (or both) during most of the emotional scenes. The song/music playing during a scene in any movies is always the thing that'll determine if I'll get emotional or not and TLK, with Hans Zimmer's excellent soundtrack, is a great exemple of a movie where the music playing greatly affect my mood. I don't cry but I get really emotional.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: January 3rd, 2012, 8:05 pm
by KingMufasa
Yes, when I first saw Mufasa's death scene, I cried. I was so mad cause he is my most favorite character.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: January 4th, 2012, 7:53 pm
by PrincessKiara
I watched TLK today. I did get tears in my eyes, but didn`t actually start to cry.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: January 5th, 2012, 4:35 pm
by WindAnnWise
Yeah, every time. It never fails to get me.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: January 27th, 2012, 4:56 pm
by Jarrett
I get teary-eyed at Mufasa's death but I usually cry at the end when Simba takes his place as king and the circle of life starts anew. Very powerful scene.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: February 4th, 2012, 5:35 pm
by hotCoco21
I cried! I've gotten used to it now (I watch it A LOT), but it's still very sad. Simba's initial disbelief that his Muffy is dead is the saddest part, I think.
"Dad? Dad, c'mon. You gotta get up. We gotta go home." :,(
His voice adds so much emotion to it
However, Scar is my favorite character, so I also cried when he died...

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: February 14th, 2012, 5:17 pm
by Awali
It's not really a scene worth crying about after the first couple of times. Of course, it's really the music that gets me, not the movie itself. Though I'm sure everybody cried as a child.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: February 14th, 2012, 5:20 pm
by Queen Elsa
Nearly. I watched it the other day (Sunday) with my whole family and nearly cried, but didn't because I would've probably looked like a baby to my family.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: February 14th, 2012, 5:47 pm
by LeopardessGracie
I still do every time ;_; Well, tears well up, but they actually fall most of the time.

Re: Did you cry at Mufassa's death?

PostPosted: February 23rd, 2012, 9:20 pm
by Phoenix-Kat
No, I didn't. I thought he was just "acting" or "playing dead" because a few days before I saw TLK for the first time I had watched a movie where a dog had died and was hysterical over it. My mom told me that the dog was just "acting" to calm me down and when Mufasa "died", I automaticaly just assumed he was acting as well. I don't know if that's exactaly the reason but I do remember watching TLK at school and my best friend was so distraut about it, I told her he was just "acting". I could never understand why people cried over fictional characters espically when I was a kid. My mom says it's because of the autism I didn't have much empathy. I don't know. But I'm one of the few who never cried over Mufasa's death.