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PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 1:12 pm
by it means no worries
As we all know, the next US president will be in office by November next year. I'm curious, what are people's views of each of the candidates and who do you think will end up in office?


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 1:41 pm
by Elton John
I don't trust any of them very much.

I guess bernie sanders is the one i'd likely vote for (no corporate/wall street ties). He'd likely make a lot of benificial decisions for the people...

Yet, I can't fully trust him. Why? He says a lot of nice sounding things but so did obama. Remember how high people were on hope in 2008? Okay... So why do people feel so unoptimistic about the future?

The republican candidates are all people i'd never vote for. They focus on hillary and benghazi when the republican caused flint water crisis which is kiling far more than what happened in bengazi....

And that's just the tip of the republican ice berg. Trump is a terrible human being. Ted cruz is slightly better than him. Chris christie seems to be the least terrible...

And Hillary. I can't trust a woman who didn't divorce her cheating husband because she wanted to further her political career. Bill was a great president but a horrid husband who lied to not only her but the american people about what he did with monica lewinski. Hillary should have divorced him ages ago.


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 1:56 pm
by it means no worries
The main reason I'd not vote for Trump would be that he has no experience in politics-I do no think that one should be able to jump straight into such an important position without prior public or military rank. I think he would be way over his head if he was to be president.


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 2:24 pm
by Elton John
Not just that but he's a super scummy person, almost on the same level as a comic book supervillain.

If bern doesn't get the democrat nomination i'd vote for hillary. Not because I like her but a vote for her would help keep out any of the republican candidates. She's not my favorite person but she isn't outright scummy.... Most of the time anyway...


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 2:40 pm
by juhouh
Quickly did read everyone's profile, in the end Bernie is the safest bet. Hillary is just as bad as Trump


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 4:29 pm
by Regulus
I have two things to say here:

First of all, POTUS is a funny word. I read it as "poo-tus," and then I laugh and can't take anyone seriously. :cool2:

But here's the second thing, which involves some attempt on my part to take this seriously.

[quote]Yet, I can't fully trust him. Why? He says a lot of nice sounding things but so did obama. Remember how high people were on hope in 2008? Okay... So why do people feel so unoptimistic about the future?[/quote]

Think of it this way. Contrary to what Hillary Clinton says, it's not so much about about getting things done. The president, no matter who he or she is, has a lot less power than people think. My vote for Bernie isn't a guarantee that we're going to get his policies in the next four years. Just like you (and most people who don't have their heads in the clouds), I don't expect things to magically change once he's elected. And that's not what it's about.

Bernie's campaign really isn't a campaign to get him elected. It doesn't stop when he's elected, he gets into office, and he does what he says he's going to do. There is no end. There will always be issues we need to face, and things that could be made better. I support Bernie because I've looked at his policies and I agree with his stances--those align with my political beliefs. I hope he can accomplish what he wants to do, but it would be unfair of me to expect that.

No president can guarantee that what they say will become a reality. But if anyone's vision for America does come true, I would hope it's Bernie's and not Hillary's. Even more so, I hope it's not Trump's, Rubio's, or Cruz's. That's why I'm voting for Bernie. I'm voting for the future I want, not the future I'm going to settle for because it's the easy thing to do.


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 6:08 pm
by Ninaroja

I don't know a lot about politics, but I do know that Trump would be an awful and damaging President were he elected.

Not only that, Trump scares me. Not really the man himself (he's far too easy to make fun of), but rather, the people who support him.

Speaking as someone from outside the US, when I see Trump I see that stereotypical caricature that so many people around the world think of when they think of Americans. Xenophobic, pro-gun, anti-gay, loud etc. In general, not a good person. I think "wow, no one would vote for someone that awful."

But they would. I see his supporters, and they're not just the inbred Southern Hicks that want to "keep the islams out". They're people from all over that huge country, men and women from all social and economic backgrounds. And they whole-heartedly think that he's doing the right thing, and that he would be a good leader for them. That freaks me the heck out! To know that not only do Donald Trumps exist, but that there will always be people willing to back them up :O

If I were able to vote I'd be voting for the democrats - as to wether that would be Bernie or Hillary I'm not sure. I did take a quiz a while ago ( and got the two of them pretty much equal.


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 8:05 pm
by juhouh
But they would. I see his supporters, and they're not just the inbred Southern Hicks that want to "keep the islams out". They're people from all over that huge country, men and women from all social and economic backgrounds. And they whole-heartedly think that he's doing the right thing, and that he would be a good leader for them. That freaks me the heck out! To know that not only do Donald Trumps exist, but that there will always be people willing to back them up :O[/quote]
That's the result of capitalist propaganda and people believeing in mainstream media, also he's the most well-known candidate afaik. People don't understand how right-wing class-society is harming them. And this is not just US, the working class all around the world has lost their power and will to fight against the oppressors. Even in here, Finland, too many under-average wage workers and the unemployed people vote capitalists


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 9:05 pm
by Regulus
[quote="Ninaroja"]But they would. I see his supporters, and they're not just the inbred Southern Hicks that want to "keep the islams out". They're people from all over that huge country, men and women from all social and economic backgrounds. And they whole-heartedly think that he's doing the right thing, and that he would be a good leader for them. That freaks me the heck out! To know that not only do Donald Trumps exist, but that there will always be people willing to back them up :O[/quote]

There's actually a psychological phenomenon at work here. Trump supporters are likely to score strongly in the category of authoritarianism. Not that it really matters, but Regulus, of course, scores extremely low in authoritarianism.

The joke is on them, though. Trump is playing a game. If he's elected, he's not going to do even one of the things he says he will. If he's elected, we'll be hearing some kind of speech that sounds like this: "I can't believe you all voted for me, you're so stupid. I'm going to do what I want now and there isn't a thing any of you can do about it."


PostPosted: February 8th, 2016, 11:22 pm
by S1mb4 D4 L10n
Seems like everyone here is either #feelthebern or "not Trump" :P