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Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: November 4th, 2012, 2:02 am
by Dark Huntress
I enjoy all of the above. I have never had an actual teacher, I just enjoy practicing things like that. I wish I had a fencing instructor :( ...
So if you enjoy shooting guns, throwing knives, archery, etc. post!

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: December 10th, 2012, 10:58 am
by Zeke
I am currently a collegiate competitor in archery in the barebow category:) hopefully going to state and nationals next year. Knife throwing and rifle/handgun shooting are also very fun past-times ;)

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: December 10th, 2012, 4:53 pm
by UncoordinatedPisces
I've had a couple of archery lessons before ^^ That's about it as far as I'm concerned tho x)

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: January 30th, 2013, 6:18 am
by Kopalover
I'm great at Archery. Knife throwing is an ishy for me. But does airsofting count ? Cause I'm good at that too.

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: January 30th, 2013, 6:21 am
by DGFone
[quote="Kopalover"]I'm great at Archery. Knife throwing is an ishy for me. But does airsofting count ? Cause I'm good at that too.[/quote]

Airsoft has nothing in common with real guns. Sure, the guns look similar, but the mass of a bullet (AKA - recoil) and the shear sound you get while firing a gun cannot be matched even close by airsoft guns.

Also: real guns are very heavy. You can't really aim one for even ten seconds unless you know how to aim properly. (Not the way they show in video games) ;)

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: March 1st, 2013, 10:05 pm
by OuRaion
I shoot. Not competitive, more like hunting, you know, to keep the pests out (foxes, rabbits etc) sometime my uncle will let me catch dinner. Yup, catch dinner.

And I get archery lessons from a couple of people that won some major archery competition somewhere.
(Lessons from some of the best)

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: July 11th, 2014, 7:17 pm
by TomCat

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: August 27th, 2014, 1:30 pm
by Markkyss
Knife throwing, whether in a martial or sport application, involves the same basic principles of mechanics. The objective in each case is for the point to stick into the target with a sufficient amount of force. For this to be successful, accuracy, distance, number of rotations and placement of the body all must be taken into account unless a no-spin technique is employed by the thrower (there are spin and no-spin throwing techniques)

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: May 7th, 2015, 8:12 am
by DGFone
Where I run my long runs on weekends (a little southwest of Yosemite Valley), it's mostly federal land, so even though it's in California, shooting and even hunting is legal. I've seen a guy with a rather nifty AR-15 setup that he was using to test out some Russian ammo, to see if it jams a lot or not. Another time I ran past three guys walking around with some really fancy looking camo-patterned compound bows.

As long as you keep safety in mind, I really don't mind you shooting where it's legal. But even if you are the most die hard fan of the 2nd amendment, please:


About a month ago, there was what looked like an entire ammo box load of freshly spent shotgun shells just lying on the road. I picked them up and stored them in my car (had no idea where to really put them), but two weeks ago I was able to hand them over to the local park ranger. She plans to make a fancy sign along the lines of "Leave no Trace" out of these shells.

...For some reason, I do have on my desk two of these shells with me though. Bright red plastic and fresh shiny stainless steel undersides. Well, I guess it's not every day you come across a pile of shells which isn't rusting into the ground...

Re: Archery, shooting, knife throwing, etc. (weapons)

PostPosted: August 18th, 2015, 9:55 pm
by Gemini
^ Pretty neat story, DG. I sure hate it when people litter, especially stuff like that. :/

Anyway, on the point of the thread - I always wanted to do archery since I was a little kid, same with knife-throwing. Shooting also sounds like it would be fun. Unfortunately we were poor and had our gun taken away so none of this ever happened. lol

Fingers crossed for college though. Maybe money won't be such a barrier anymore... I know UC Davis has an archery class at least. :P