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Private RPs, looking for an RP partner

PostPosted: February 8th, 2015, 12:10 pm
by TheFemaleBoss
I'm just getting back into RPing and need an Rp partner, I will do almost any Rp, cannon or OC, I'm not bothered either way, I have a couple of ideas myself but I'm open to any ideas from others

Some Of My Ideas :

Vitani, Queen Of The Outlands:

After Zira's death Vitani and a small group of Lionesses leave the pridelands and join a group of outlander, after a while Vitani falls in love with the king of their pride and becomes Queen of the Outlands, they are now planing to attack and take over Kovu and Kiara as the official King and Queen.

Ghosts Of The Past

After the end of Tlk2sp, Kovu starts having recurring nightmares,, it's always the same thing, he is running through the outlands, faster and faster as if trying to escape something, when he runs head on into scar who turns to him and says "Remember who you are my son", what could this be,, some sort of message, could scar's ghost be telling him something?.

Re: Private RPs, looking for an RP partner

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2015, 8:14 am
by lionobsession
Are you still looking for a partner? Because I love the idea of Vitani - and actually of Kovu - so I am very much interested in RPing!

Re: Private RPs, looking for an RP partner

PostPosted: March 3rd, 2015, 3:31 pm
by Kasira
I'm also looking for a Rp partner. If you're still searching one, you could contact me.

Re: Private RPs, looking for an RP partner

PostPosted: March 19th, 2015, 2:12 pm
by TheFemaleBoss
Yes I'm still looking, been busy, that's why I'm just replying now, just found out I'm expecting a little baby lol x