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One Day

PostPosted: September 30th, 2013, 11:46 pm
by FlipMode
Want something quick to read?
Like mediocre rushed-to-meet-contest-deadline quality? Then boy, did you click the right thread!

Day 1

Nala and Simba sat on Pride Rock, they would often sit there and watch the sun set together as the day closed, especially on days where they had been running errands for their parents, as part of the pride, even cubs had to be taught how to survive and hunt, that was their parents way of caring for and raising them. This was especially important for Simba who was the future king.

The sun shined bright over the pride lands, eclipsed only by the majestic beauty of the tip of Pride Rock. Simba and Nala were sat on the edge of the outer rock, not far from the entrance to the pride's cove.

"Hey look at that!" Nala said, motioning to a pack of moles, burying their friends underground and having races with one another along the ground not too far away from where they were.

"What are they doing? Don't they have to hunt and stuff?" Simba said, watching them play and looking a little confused.

"Well I guess they are done for the day, or maybe they are taking a break." Nala added.

"Wouldn't it be great to live like that all the time, y'know, never having responsibilities?" Simba said, raising his head back toward the fading fluorescent horizon. It never really got pitch black dark in the Pride Lands, no sooner would the sun set, it would rise again.

"Not all the time. Your dad knows that and he's the king." Nala said, reminding Simba of his future role.
"But maybe we can settle for just a few days."

"Yeah!" Simba said excitedly.
The sun set and it started to get noticeably darker, the two parted and headed to the den.

From this day on, the two of them would live the next few days worry free, to see what it would be like.

Day 2

Simba and Nala had gone to the waterhole today, or at least that's what they told their parents, they had taken Zazu along with them to keep watch of the two of them. They deceived him, living up to their promise of living the next few days care free. The ramifications had began to become clear, though. They had narrowly avoided a clash with a pack of hyenas in their mischief.
Mufasa was forced to take action, fearing for his son's life more than his own he overpowered and scared of their pursuers with ease.

Later that night Mufasa and Simba were on Pride Rock watching the sun set, instead of Nala who had been taken back to her mother by Zazu earlier.

"Simba, I am very disappointed in you." Mufasa said, his deep and booming voice echoed slightly in the quiet serenity of the evening. "You could have been killed. And what's worse, you put Nala in danger!"

"But-I-I was just trying to be brave like you..." Simba replied back, mostly out of respect, his voice breaking slightly through sadness and remorse.

"I'm only brave when I have to be." Mufasa said. "And I have those, to help me be brave." Mufasa felt that he had scolded his son enough and it was time to teach him an important lesson about the circle of life.

"What, the stars?" Simba looked up in the sky surrounding the setting sun.

"Yes Simba but look deeper, the great kings of the past look down on us from those stars and guide us. So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those stars will always be there to guide you."

"Does that mean we will be stars one day?" Simba asked.

"But not any day soon." Mufasa replied with a smile.

"Aw come on dad, when will it be my turn?" Simba said, pawing his dad playfully

"Not any day soon." Mufasa teased, tripping his sons paws from under him and Simba fell onto his stomach.

The two of them sat and laughed while they talked for the rest of the sun set.

Day 3

Simba and Nala just decided to abide by their parents today, they took part in hunts and Nala practiced her signature pinning move, she had got to a point where she could easily pin any predator her size if needed.

Just like every day, they played and teased one another once they had finished their chores for the day. And just like every day, the sat on the usual spot of Pride Rock to see the sun set.

"Nala you're pinning move is awesome! Can you show me how to do that?" Simba said, rolling around mimicking it.

"Nah-uh. I don't really know how I do it, I just "do" it" she said.
"Besides it might just save us from something one day. You never know!"

"Hey thinking about the future is a responsibility, you haven't forgotten our promise already have you?" Simba asked his friend.

"Of course I haven't it's just..."

"It's just that I'm more fun than you are." Simba cut her off.

"Oh really? How's this for fun?" She pounced at him

Simba caught her, but Nala rolled while the two of them pawed each other playfully scratching at each other, they rolled forward twice and Nala shifted her weight forward, her front paws pinning Simba down.

"Le'mme up." Simba said, struggling out of her grip.
She let go of him.

"Tomorrow is the last day." he said

"Huh?" Nala said, tilting her head at him. "You're talking weirder than Scar."

"Yeah right, no one talks weirder than Unlce Scar, don't forget to slur and over dramatize every word." He said, deepening his voice to mimic his uncle's and nala giggled at this.

"Remember we said it would only be a few days, so tomorrow is our last day of being care free." Simba said, he clearly didn't want these days to end.

"Right, so what do you want to do for it?" She asked him.

"Well Uncle Scar says he has an awesome surprise for me tomorrow." Said Simba as the two went back to the peak to get a better view. "He said I wasn't supposed to tell anyone, that it was our secret but, well, no worries right?"

"Wow! Sounds fun!" Nala shouted out almost a little too loud.

"Shhh, keep it down, the're only right there..." Simba whispered to her, motioning back to the cove.

"But hey, I can't go with you." She said to him.

"Yeah, it'll look funny if you're there too when you're not supposed to know." he said.

"Exactly. "Genius"" She said to him, referencing a joke that they had the previous day.
"But I'll come down as soon as I can and we'll play there, so you gotta stay down there for a while, okay?"

"Got it." He said to her
"I can't wait."

Day 4

Scars plan had worked perfectly, maliciously he had sent both Simba and Mufasa to their death within the gorge. Though a few implications arose, he had been prepared for them. Should Mufasa make it out alive, for instance, he would send his brother falling back down to his death. Which is what had happened.

And although he had planned for Simba to die as well, he was prepared for even that. He sent Simba off on a guilt trip and had the hyenas chase him and kill him.
The three hyenas he chose were fueled by revenge for what happened two days ago.
Despite this Simba had escaped them, but still he ran as far away from the Pride Lands as his young self could take him, collapsing in a desert far away from home.

When Nala went down the the gorge the cove was empty, it wasn't until she returned home that the heart wrenching truth was known to her. Suddenly she had a lot more responsibilities and a lot more things to care about.

As for Simba, it looked like his care free days were also coming to an end. Or maybe, just maybe, they were only just beginning...