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Chapter 12

PostPosted: November 11th, 2013, 10:20 pm
by Adofo
Bali: Oh whats the matter? You don't like our new little puppet?
Simba: If you don't let him go I'll end this RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Shenzi: Ooooooooohhh I'm so scared!!!!
Banzai: Come on try it!!! It'll be funny!!
Ed: Heheheheheheh!!
More of Bali's animals appear out of the bushes.
Bali: You had better be very sure. Hey if it makes you feel any better we won't keep him around forever, just until his usefulness has run it's course.
Sampson: This isn't over!
Bali: Of course it's not. We'll see you soon!
They all turn and head back towards Priderock leaving the Pridelanders behind.
Kovu: Now what are we going to do?
Simba: We stick to the plan, we get Adofo back and we take back our home. Now we just have to figure out how to get Adofo back to normal.
Kopa: Where do we go first?
Simba: We'll head to the Grasslands. My father was friends with the king there.
They all once again begin their march towards the Grasslands for their help.
Shanon: Mom what's gonna happen to dad?
Christen: I don't know baby.
Simba: Whatever it is I'm not going to let it happen, I promise!
After a while of walking they make it to the Grasslands, all the grass is tall and all the plant life is thriving.
Kiara: Wow, I guess we're here. Have you ever come here daddy?
Simba: No. My father always told me stories about it though.
Suddenly a lion jumps out of the tall grass in front of the huge party.
Jelani: Who are you? What are you doing on this land?!
Nala: We're looking for the ruler of this land.
Simba: His name is Vita.
Jelani: What is your business with him? And what are you doing traveling with humans?
Simba: We've come for his help. And these humans are my family, they won't hurt you. I'm Simba, king of Priderock.
Jelani: Priderock! You're Mufasa's son! I am so sorry sir, I had no idea you were from Priderock. Please come with me.
Jelani guides the group back to his home.
Jelani: I'm really sorry about earlier it's just that everyone has been on edge lately because we heard that the other day a human civilization was completely destroyed.
Christen: Yes......that was our home.
Jelani: Oh I'm so sorry! By the way I'm Jelani, Vita is my father.

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 11th, 2013, 11:01 pm
by Kipekee

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 11th, 2013, 11:49 pm
by Adofo
Don't worry, she's coming

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 12th, 2013, 12:30 am
by Kipekee

Chapter 13

PostPosted: November 12th, 2013, 3:31 am
by Adofo
The party is led to a huge rock formation, not quite the size of Priderock, with all sorts of plant life growing on it.
Jelani: Alright here we are! You can come inside.
Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kovu, Kopa and Vitani follow Jelani inside.
Jelani: Dad, we have some company!
Vita: Ah well hello there, who might you all be?
Simba: I'm Simba of Priderock, and this is my family. If I remember right you and my father were friends?
Vita: AH SIMBA! Last time I saw you, you were still growing inside of your mother! How is she?
Simba: She died....a while back.
Vita: Oh I am so sorry! And I heard what really happened with your father, when we heard he died we all mourned for him but we were excited to hear that you revealed what really happened and that you took care of your uncle.
Simba: Well thank you sir!
Vita: You're welcome. I never really liked Scar, I always found him a little suspicious. So what are you here for?
Nala: You've already heard of what happened to that human city, it was destroyed.
Kopa: After that they came to Priderock.
Vitani: They forced us out with an army of animals.
Simba: And.....they took my brother.
Vita: This horrible! You're looking for help aren't you? Well who am I to turn away one of my oldest friends own son in a time of need.
Simba: Thank you sir!
Vita: And you know I had heard that you had a brother, but something always got me. Everything I heard said he was your older brother. How's that possible?
Simba: Oh Adofo was adopted by my mother and father.
Vita: OHHHHH That makes sense! Well adopted or not I'll help you get him back and help you take back your home!
Sampson comes into the cave, needing to know where to use the restroom.
Sampson: Hey uh Uncle Simba, do you know where I can use the bathroom?
Vita: HUMAN!!!
Vita immediately charges at Sampson and pins him to the ground.
Simba: VITA NO!!!! He's my nephew!!!!!!
Vita: WHAT!?!? But he's a filthy human!!!!!
Simba: My brother IS a human!
Vita jumps off of Sampson.
Vita: WHAT!!!!??!...........Get out! ALL OF YOU GET OFF MY LAND!!!!NOW!!!!!!
Nala: What?!?
Vita: I WILL NOT HELP ANYONE THAT AFFILIATES THEMSELVES WITH HUMANS!!!! Especially one that call them their family!!!
Jelani: Father!
Vita: I always heard that Mufasa's oldest child was a freak show, but I never thought he would go off and adopt a stinking human!!!
Simba: HEY there is nothing wrong with Adofo!!!!
Vita: He's a human, that's all that matters! Just like his little brat right here!
Simba: Don't you dare talk about my family like that! We do't need to listen to this, there are plenty of other prides we can get help from!
Vita: Fine then, the quicker you're all off my land the better!
Simba: Come on lets go!
They all leave to cave, Simba turns back around to say one more thing.
Simba: You know everyone in the Pridelands loves Adofo, he's done a lot more for us than you could ever know, bu you know what? The only mistake my father ever made was becoming friends with you!

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 12th, 2013, 9:05 pm
by Kipekee

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 12th, 2013, 9:43 pm
by Adofo
Yeah Simba could always be kinda defenseive when it comes to his brother. lol

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 12th, 2013, 9:52 pm
by Kipekee

Chapter 14

PostPosted: November 14th, 2013, 6:55 pm
by Adofo
Timon: So how'd it go?
Simba: Bad. Let's get out of here!
Christen: What happened?
Simba: They won't help us!
Nala: It's because of Adofo. Apparently the king isn't too fond of humans.
Vitani: He even took Sampson to the ground!
Christen: HE DID WHAT!?!
Sampson: Mom it's okay, just let it go.
Christen: Are you alright?! Did he hurt you!??
Sampson: I'm fine Mom, just come on lets go!
Christen: NO! I'm going to have a little "talk" with this king!
Sampson: Please don't!
Christen: Let mommy take care of this Sam!
Christen angrily stomps into the cave.
Christen: HEY! You the king?!
Vita: What's it to you human?
Christen quickly grabs Vita by the throat and pins him against the wall.
Kovu: Whoa!
Christen: You have an issue with humans? And because of that you attack my son!?
Vita: Uhhhh
Christen: If you ever touch my son again I'll put you in the worst zoo I can find!!! All they wanted was some help but you threaten them instead!! I may not be an animal in the wild but I do know if a king were to do something like that he'd be about as poor as a king could get!
She lets him go and he falls to the ground.
Christen: I'm done, lets go!
Nick: Wow Christen I've never seen that side of you!
Christen: No one hurts my babies!
Simba: Well I'm sorry about all that.
Christen: It's okay, it's not your fault. So where are we going now?
Simba: The next king I actually meet when I was a cub, Mosi.
Nala: Yeah, meeting him could have gone better though.
Shanon: What happened?
Nala: We ran into Mosi and a few of his friends when we were little and right away they started to make fun of your father.
Sampson: Cause he's human....right?
Simba: Yeah.
Nala: But later he apologized and we became friends with him.
Shanon: You think he'll actually help us?
Simba: Yeah, he'll definitely help.
Kiara: Then lets go!
Back over at Priderock everyone is relaxing being in charge.
Bali: You know mister Rogers I have to admit, without you we probably couldn't have done this.
Shenzi: Yeah, you're alright!
Reed: Well thank you!
Bali: And we certainly wouldn't have been able to get Adofo to fight FOR us!
Reed: Oh it was nothing! Beside he's kind of growing on me In a sort of butler-hitman sort of way! Hehehehe! Isn't that right Adofo?!
Adofo: Yes sir Mr. Rogers!
Reed: I'll never get tired of hearing that!
Banzai: Hey Bali, you think we can go have a little fun with the lions? Come on man please!!!
Bali: Well......okay, go ahead, but leave them all alive, I'm not though having fun yet!
Shenzi: Alright boys lets go!
The Pridelanders just made it into Riverside.
Simba: Okay it should be just up here. Wait!
Nick: What is it?
Nala: We've got company!
Slowly they are surrounded by tons of hyenas.
Banzai: We're back!
Kiara: Oh no!
Shenzi: Don't worry, no one's going to die......yet!
The hyenas run in to attack but a cheetah jumps over them in front of the Pridelanders.
The cheetah is beaten up pretty bad, she has scratches on her body and the left side of her face horribly injured.

Shezi: Uh oh!
The hyenas all run off as fast as they can.

Re: The Lion King 4 The Circle of Life Falls

PostPosted: November 14th, 2013, 7:18 pm
by Kipekee