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The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: March 13th, 2015, 9:54 pm
by PrincessKiara
In this topic, I`d like to ask two questions.

First of all, you know how in RL monarchies the law (in some countries this has changed, in others not) is that only a male heir can claim the throne and become king. If a royal couple produces three daughters and one son, the son is crownprince regardless if he is the youngest child.
Do you think the lionpride in the TLK universe works this way also, or does the oldest cub take the crown regardless of gender? Or if the ruling couple produces several cubs, do they simply choose which of their offspring would make the better leader, again, not by gender but by abilities and personality?
Basically, if Kiara had a younger brother (let`s forget about Kion and Kopa for a moment) would the position as leader automatically be given to him because Kiara is female?

My second question concerns Kiara and Kovu as the ruling royal couple.
Kiara is the one with royal blood, but in a real-life lion pride the male is the leader. So when Kiara becomes Queen, will she be the official leader of the pride, or will Kovu make the laws and decisions as he is the male lion?
In my opinion it seems as if Kiara will be the one to make decisions and have the most responsibility, but what do you guys think?

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: April 12th, 2016, 1:25 pm
by Aelwen
First of all many european monarchies now have cognatic primogeniture sustem It means the eldest child regardless of gender is the heir apparent.

I suppose that Kovu won't be just prince-consort, he will be King. But Kiara will have the most respect and make most of desicions.

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: April 12th, 2016, 4:54 pm
by Troll Berserker
I also think that it depends of the age not the gender. Although there is no historical record for monarchies, individual noble famillies could set primogeniture system anytime.

We though that Kiara was meant to be a "queen" (or in this care "king" since "king" is the ruler and "queen" is king's wife [there's aslo a historical record of female "king" too]) because Simba had no other heir, but in TLG Kiara is meant to be a fututre ruler, even if she has a younger male sibling. It prove that Pridelands run on cognatic primogeniture.

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: April 12th, 2016, 7:43 pm
by SimbasGuard
To answer your 2nt question. I believe Kovu will become King of The Pride Lands, but only because he is married to Kiara. Kiara has The Royal Bloodline, I believe Kiara will handle political decisions and if The Pride Lands have to take military actions Kovu will be the one to lead the charge. :roar4:

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: April 15th, 2016, 2:36 am
by matkiethelioness
These are my points of view/theories.
First question: the elder child is the next monarch, regardless of gender. However...
Second question: Until Simba dies, the Pridelands become a polyarchy(Simba, Nala, Kiara and Kovu). After his death, Kovu is the king(with the same functions Simba had) and Kiara is the queen(with the same functions her mother had).

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: January 1st, 2017, 1:30 pm
by GoodGrief
If going off the British monarchy, the first child would always be the heir regardless of gender. The monarch is whoever is the heir, so Queen Elizabeth II is our monarch and her husband doesn't actually have the title of King, he's just Prince Philip. Though that doesn't seem to work the same way in TLK, I would like to think Kiara would have the most power even if Kovu is given the title of King.

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: January 1st, 2017, 2:18 pm
by Simba_Lion
From my point of view, regardless of gender, it depends on age. Kiara will be queen and Kovu will be king. Kiara's younger brother will only be prince. Kiara will be the leader of the hunting parties, Kovu has to protect the kingdom if needed (strangers, hyenas, etc.) As for decisions, I guess they will make it together.

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: January 1st, 2017, 9:17 pm
by GoodGrief
[quote="Simba_Lion"]As for decisions, I guess they will make it together.[/quote]
Hmm I don't know, I think the consort (I think that's what the partner of the reigning monarch is called) should have less weight in the decision making. Maybe I'm just being authoritarian :lol:

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2017, 3:58 pm
by Justmeonhere
Nah, I do think you're right GoodGrief. I think Kiara will rule as a Queen and take the important matters for her and Kovu as Prince/King and help Kiara with something or lead the military forces like SimbasGuard said.

Re: The Royal Bloodline

PostPosted: January 2nd, 2017, 7:44 pm
by Simba_Lion
[quote="Justmeonhere"]I think Kiara will rule as a Queen and take the important matters for her and Kovu as Prince/King and help Kiara.[/quote]
Yeah, not a bad theory.