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Does Nala have anxiety/depression?

PostPosted: May 11th, 2014, 12:25 pm
by ScarLoyal
In SP she always seemed as if she suffers from severe anxiety (Well not noticeably, but could she be on 'medication'?) I know the term 'medication' being used in TLK sounds weird but its actually common with house-wives that suffer from Anxiety and so they take Prozac to take the edge off.. :sleepyzira: It'd actually be interesting if that were true, as we are shown that Simba has the most anxiety toward their daughter's well being. But it'd be a twist if Nala actually suffered from it more severely and requires 'daily' intakes of herbs from Rafiki. :understanding: Nala would've probably been very stressed about 'Scar's followers' which could explain why she trusted Kovu and wasn't as paranoid as Simba. In my opinon.. Nala 'did' suffer mentally from 'Scar's reign' and it didn't ever go away and even caused 'mood-swings' or 'Depression'. Is it possible?

Re: Does Nala have anxiety/depression?

PostPosted: May 11th, 2014, 12:57 pm
by Ninaroja
IMO Nala didn't suffer the same emotional trauma as Simba. She suffered under Scar, yes, but the lionesses at Pride Rock had survival instincts to get through the lack of food etc., as most animals would. Simba, however, was made to think that he had killed his own father, hence why I think Simba had obvious emotional problems during TLKII but Nala didn't.

Also IMO, despite how I've written him in some of my fanfics, movie Rafiki was just a Shaman, not also a "Medicine man" as it were. Rafiki represents the spiritual link in TLK between the living and the dead, I honestly don't think he was involved in healing/medicine etc.

And yes, the idea of any sort of medication in TLK is ludicrous.

Re: Does Nala have anxiety/depression?

PostPosted: May 11th, 2014, 7:44 pm
by Regulus
Nala was a prop in SP, not a character. You can't give a piece of cardboard medication.

Re: Does Nala have anxiety/depression?

PostPosted: May 11th, 2014, 9:17 pm
by Ninaroja
^^ Yeah actually now that I think about Nala was probably the most useless thing in SP...

Re: Does Nala have anxiety/depression?

PostPosted: May 11th, 2014, 9:34 pm
by The Spirit of Life
[quote="Regulus"]Nala was a prop in SP, not a character. You can't give a piece of cardboard medication.[/quote]

Sad, but completely true. It's a shame she didn't actually get any discernible role to speak of in SP.

Re: Does Nala have anxiety/depression?

PostPosted: May 12th, 2014, 3:48 am
by ScarLoyal
[quote="Regulus"]Nala was a prop in SP, not a character. You can't give a piece of cardboard medication.[/quote]
Well, even though she stick's to the background like Wall-paper, she did have a 'small role' being Kiara's mother and wasn't singled out like a random-unknown lioness.. :happy2: I guess Disney didn't think that she needed to keep her 'Rebellious and spunky' attitude and therefore became just like her mother.. :slippedout: