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Wouldn't it be fun to make a fan movie?

PostPosted: May 19th, 2014, 2:50 am
by KiarasBiggestFan
Because if we did, I have an idea for one, involving Kovu and Kiara's cubs connecting the Hyenas to the Pride Lands. Wouldn't it be fun to do one? Should we? We'd have to ask Disney first probably, but does anyone want to do it?

Re: Wouldn't it be fun to make a fan movie?

PostPosted: June 16th, 2014, 9:47 am
by lostsailor
Lots have been talking about that, and some even went so far that they recruited people, for the project. But it seems everyone hits a wall, and then the project dies.
Making a whole movie will take a long time, and many many people, so it's hard work. If you're really serious about this, and want it to happen, I think a short film is what you should be planning.
Good luck :)

Re: Wouldn't it be fun to make a fan movie?

PostPosted: June 18th, 2014, 3:50 am
by electricocomics
Not just that but have you seen Halo the fallen ? they post something new on their facebook only every month... Sometimes each two... I don't want to be mean and discourage you but the closest thing to a project like that that ever worked was Video Game High School. I'd say first have clear plan of what you want to make but as lostsailor said, what you would be aiming at is a short, probably 10-15 (maybe 20) minutes short film. Or maybe make it episodic. you could have 8-10 minutes episodes that always end on a cliffhanger. Those might keep this project alive longer.

Sorry if I've been harsh or offended you :sad:

Re: Wouldn't it be fun to make a fan movie?

PostPosted: October 14th, 2014, 8:00 pm
by it means no worries
My friend and i have been learning animation and gathering necessary software for months, and we think we could do it- albeit in a LONG time. We decided to try and make a short movie for one of my fanfics but we still need to spend months more learning animation and animation software before we can even attempt to start the movie properly, but in the meanwhile, to get something to show for the work so far, we are making a trailer for it which i plan to finish off and post here in a few weeks. Pls PM me if you are interested in helping out- the more the merrier!