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Re: Nuka

PostPosted: May 29th, 2009, 5:45 pm
by Mike
TLK family trees are so tough to pin down :P All that really matters are the relations they play.

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: May 29th, 2009, 8:49 pm
by rachelanne
Yeah, when I watched that movie I just figured they weren't related to Scar because I didn't want to try and figure all that out haha I liked Nuka because he was the comic relief for the evil side kind of like hyenas who were with Scar. They helped the main villain, but in the end, I ended up not minding Nuka or the hyenas, and felt sort of sad when Nuka died. :sad: Obviously not to the point of my feelings towards Mufasa's death, but I at least knew that I'd miss having him around in the funny scenes and that it was a shame he couldn't please his mother.

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: May 29th, 2009, 11:29 pm
by Mike
Yup, I'd miss him. A lot of people are probably happy he's gone though lol

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 25th, 2009, 7:20 pm
by CircleOfLife
I think Nuka should have been Scar's heir to the throne. He was actually Scar's son! It was really confusing! I mean, would you be confused if Simba chose a random cub in the pride to be his heir when he already had Kiara AND Kopa! Scar already had Nuka and Vitani! :(

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 25th, 2009, 8:56 pm
by Mike
You have to admit though, that Kovu's a bit more dignified lol

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 28th, 2009, 11:13 am
by PrincessKiara
I personally believe that Nuka was Scars son ("Scar wasn’t even his father, he just took him in." "I should be the leader.." etc)
I don’t think Vitani was Scars daughter, and we all know Kovu is not related to Scar, despite the striking resemblance.

There is no solid proof that Scar ever had any cubs though. Like CircleofLife mentioned, it does seem very strange for Scar to pick an heir if he already had one or more cubs.

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 28th, 2009, 6:41 pm
by Simbasdaughterrocks
Yea what PK said but what if he did have a son but scar thought that he was not king worthy and chose kovu to become king so that they can raise him the was that we wanted not like him son

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 28th, 2009, 10:27 pm
by Nightstar75
Somehow, I don't think Scar had any of those cubs. I don't even think he liked Zira like that. Kovu isn't related, or Kiara would be dating her some kinda cousin thing. :ew: Vitani doesn't even resemble Scar AT ALL. Nuka kinda does, not much though, just the craziness.
I still think Nuka should of been the Chosen One. Though Kovu is stronger, Nuka would of done the job and done it right. Love would NOT of gotten in the way of him and his mission.

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 29th, 2009, 5:04 am
by SimbaandShenzifan
Nuka is one of those characters that didn't get popularity very quickly because visually, he wasn't appealing to the eye, but you couldn't help but feel sorry for him when he died. It's typical for hollywood and in other movies to have the more attractive and brightly colored characters be the main characters. If not the good characters. Funny, in the 90s, Disney showed Beauty and the Beast and The Hunchback of Notre Dame and both the leading males, were not very attractive. (Others may disagree with me on this, but think about it, it was about finding beauty on the inside, that was the moral of both films) Now they showed this film and Kovu is as cute and attractive as heck, and he is the main male character.'s just funny how the Disney studios evolved over the years...

Personally, the studio should have added that line, "I finally got your attention." and has Zira just stare gapping, not smile softly like she did. :P Zira seemed to blame everyone else but herself, again she is the villain of the film, but she's a realistic villain.

Anyhow, on with Nuka, I actually liked this character better then Kovu. I thought he had more depth and I can actually relate myself with him. He was funny and neuratic. :lol:

And the comments about the less drama in this film...well wait...the ORIGINAL film was a family/children's film and look at all of the drama it had! So to me...many disney sequels in the late 90s to the early 2000s were dumbed down from the originals. I'm not trying to say the LK sequel was a terrible sequel, but it just could be SO much better in so MANY ways. They could have filled those plot holes with the family tree of the LK lions and probably some other things too. :P

Re: Nuka

PostPosted: June 29th, 2009, 5:52 am
by Nightstar75
All that is very agreeable =O
Lol, I like Nuka a bunch. Why? Hmm. I don't know. He is so much better than Kovu, and for many reasons, he should of been the chosen one. But if he was, Zira would be queen and for once the villians would win in a Disney film!... :evil: *likes the idea*

Lol, back onto Nuka. I like him a bunch, and I can relate. I am looked down apon for looks (mine relates to style) and he is funny. :lol2: Which, so am I. :confident: :macho: Lol! Anyways, he brought feeling to the movie, and I cried when he died. :cry: I hated to see one of my favorite characters die like THAT. And for the reason of jealously and trying to impress his mother. So sad. :sad: