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Re: Betrothed = Flirting

PostPosted: January 20th, 2011, 8:21 pm
by Jiirani
Unbelieveable o.e I guess they had to put something, though... If the word betrothed isn't actually part of the language, it would be difficult to replace it. it's better Zazu saying something, rather than nothing at all... But my, that is a shame. Surely there could have been a better word out there o.e

Re: Betrothed = Flirting

PostPosted: January 20th, 2011, 9:05 pm
by TheDoctor
[quote="atouchofgrace"]This dub is famous for changing random things.

My personal favorite:

Scar - Mufasa! No! You're dead!

European Portuguese:
Sarabi - Mufasa! You're dead!

^^ And we see Scar's mouth moving... :oops:[/quote]
What!? :lol: Sarabi is even lying in the foreground! How on earth did they get away with that one xD

Re: Betrothed = Flirting

PostPosted: January 20th, 2011, 9:08 pm
by atouchofgrace
[quote="Jiirani"]Unbelieveable o.e I guess they had to put something, though... If the word betrothed isn't actually part of the language, it would be difficult to replace it. it's better Zazu saying something, rather than nothing at all... But my, that is a shame. Surely there could have been a better word out there o.e[/quote]
We don't really have a proper word for "arranged marriage", the closest one would be "destined" but that can take different and much more common meanings.

Re: Betrothed = Flirting

PostPosted: February 5th, 2011, 5:56 pm
by SummerSnowLeopard
[quote="FlipMode"]I am confused, that scene was not a bit like that when I watched the film??????[/quote]
I'm with Flip. What are you talking about :/

Re: Betrothed = Flirting

PostPosted: September 21st, 2013, 2:54 am
by Meskhenet
The dialogue posted is the English translation of the European Portuguese version of The Lion King. Instead of saying the word "betrothed" they said "flirting" because there is not an available translation of the word betrothed in European Portuguese. If you actually think about it, The Lion King (or any other movie for that matter) does not have the exact same translation from a foreign language dub for example Spanish, French or Dutch or in this case European Portuguese to English for that reason. It's what keeps films fresh when heard from a different language.

I like the translation though. It's cute, original and sweet, but it seems to me that it doesn't fit in with the movie. Of course, I'm so used to having the word "betrothed" in the sentences rather than "flirting".