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Action movies, what are your favorites?

PostPosted: December 11th, 2014, 12:52 pm
by Elton John
I'm going to list my top 10 favorite action movies

1: Enter the Dragon

A bruce lee classic. Fantastic choreography, and unfortunately bruce lee's last real movie before he died. It was also the movie that made him a star. It also came out after his death. Sigh. Game of Death is a movie I will never watch because of how they edited it, they were still shooting the film when bruce died.

2: Commando

An arnold schwarzenegger classic. The action scenes are so-so but the one liners are the best in the genre.

3: The Raid Redemption

Bringing back oldschool thrills and raw brutality in a mostly PG13 dominated genre, this 2011 indonesian action movie does NOT pull many punches. The sequel was good, very good but the original was much better pacing

4: Die Hard

What more can I say? If you love action movies you've probably already seen this one.

5: Bloodsport

It gets docked a few spaces for the first 30 minutes being painful with the bad acting but the wide variety of martial art styles, and killer soundtrack help elevate this movie

6: Ip Man

Starring Donnie Yen, this movie brought back bruce lee style martial arts to hong kong cinema when martial arts movies used heavy CGI and wires.

while not graphic, this scene is not for those who can't handle intense martial arts scenes

7: Rambo {2008}

This movie is violent, like, probably the most violent movie I have ever seen in my life. The second most violent movie I have ever seen is the evil dead remake. A true return to form for Rambo and a very good complementary movie when compared to rocky balboa

8: Captain America The Winter Soldier
It would be higher up but it felt like the PG13 rating was really holding it back. Even so, excellent action choreography and cinematography and while captain america is a dull character to some I really enjoyed chris evans earnst sincerity while playing the role of the star spangled man.

9: the terminator 2

Why so low? it's a great movie buuuuut......I didn't think it was a flawless masteripiece

10: Kill Bill volume 1

The soundtrack is great and the action is great, this movie is great all around

honorable mentions go to

hard target
conan the barbarian {80's arnold}
First Blood Part 2: Rambo
sudden death
BKO bangkok knockout.
Kung fu panda 1-2. Not even joking here, the fight choreography in these movies are great.
the avengers
guardians of the galaxy
wheels on meals
ong bak
the raid 2: berendal