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Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 28th, 2008, 2:33 am
by NightmareMoon
1. Heroes
2. Charmed ( lol my sister and my mom got my hooked on this show even though it's about 3 chick witches )

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 28th, 2008, 5:10 am
by Moka

1. ) 24 - Definitely, I own all 6 seasons and saw the premiere of 24: Redemption FAV SHOW EVAH
2. ) House - Probably, I don't own any of House but I watch it on Hulu
3. ) Family Guy - Its funny sometimes

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 28th, 2008, 6:33 am
by Zeke
Heroes and Family Guy

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 28th, 2008, 9:31 pm
by Zack
Whose line is it Anyways?
Arrested Development
Band of Brothers
Mad TV
The Office
Family Guy
Robot Chicken
South Park
Venture Bros.
Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

This pretty much sums it all up. :)

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 29th, 2008, 12:05 am
by Zeke
Wow Zack, we watch a lot of the same stuff. Whose line is it Anyways?, Band of Brothers, Mad TV, Robot Chicken, South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force are all shows that I watch. I see you like Adult's Swim

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 29th, 2008, 12:05 pm
by Zack
Well me and my brothers used to watch Adult Swim, all the time, back in the States and when we moved back to Sweden we started downloading them instead.
Nice to know that there's someone here who's also a big fan of many of the same series as me. ;)

Forgot these:

Generation Kill
Flight of the Concords
Little Britain
Black Books

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: November 29th, 2008, 2:31 pm
by Moka
Oh I forgot Seinfeld!

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: December 1st, 2008, 3:50 am
by Brn97CitronWran
CSI: Vegas
Kitchen Nightmares

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: December 7th, 2008, 7:41 am
by kovu42
Generation Kill
Band of Brothers
Burn Notice
Will and Grace

Re: Favorite TV Show?

PostPosted: January 4th, 2009, 9:11 pm
by whitewolf17
These are in no particular order

1.) Stargate sg-1
2.) Primeval
3.) Arrested development
4.) Daily show
5.) Sanctuary
6.) Duel
7.) Cities of the underworld
8.) Battlestar Galactica
9.) Dragon's den
10.) Mythbusters
11.) Stargate Atlantis