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Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 5:24 pm
by RayCat
Well, these teenage top cats have certainly made up a good reputation for themselves! But what do you think of them? I'm sure you've heard the crit and praise that these singers recieve. Btw, this is just for opinions mmmk? Opinions don't necessarily equal facts lol, so no arguments =P

And moderators, if you think this topic will get out of hand then I'd be happy for you to lock it.

Let the battle commence!...sort of... :P

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 5:44 pm
by Jiirani
I think Rebecca Black's Friday is a really bad song, but it's really catchy and I sing it all the time. I've seen her sing without autotune and she's a decent singer, I think. Just because Friday sucks doesn't mean she does, it's not like she wrote the song.

Justin Bieber... Well, he's not that bad. I dislike his music, but I don't think there is anything wrong with him himself, he's just a normal kid. It's a shame so many people hate him, i'm not much better because I hate on him now and them, mostly just to make people laugh, because that's just the sort of thing people I know find funny.

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 5:46 pm
by WildSimba
I think once Justin Bieber's voice gets deeper, and he decides to go the rap way, he'll be awesome. As for Rebecca Black, guess what day it is today? :D

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 5:54 pm
by KopsTheTerminator
Well, Rebecca Black is a terrible singer and I love making fun of Friday, but I have nothing against her lol. Justin Bieber.. Well, his fangirls make me want to become a serial killer.

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 6:03 pm
by FlipMode
There are way more important things to argue over than teenage singers if we are being honest. Anyway I am not really the type of person to watch interviews, and keep up with media coverage of what they get up to so I do not really know if I like either of them as individuals.

I like some of Bieber's music yeah and I also agree with WS once his voice does get deeper, and he tries different styles of music then he will have such a wider appeal from a music standpoint. I also think a lot of people were very quick to judge him from his debut song.

Rebecca Black, well as much as I did not like "Friday" the main problem was how auto tuned her voice was, I mean really you would be mistaken for thinking some kind of high pitched Transformer was singing it, same thing I dislike about T Pain. I think that she should try some acoustic type stuff to be honest. However there is no denying how catchy that song was also, I mean it has a silly view count on YouTube now, and people are still talking about it all the time so it has done its job. Plus think about it this way, the second she announced she was recording another song there were 100+ comments of "NOOO I AM GOING TO DIE!" (end quote) but you know those same people are going to hear her next song too, so imagine if it turns out to be good, all that publicity...

TL-DR - Their music is okay, but I could care less about the actual people themselves.

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 9:47 pm
by AdAstrĪ±

Well, Rebecca Black is a terrible singer and I love making fun of Friday, but I have nothing against her lol. Justin Bieber.. Well, his fangirls make me want to become a serial killer.[/quote]
Lol, I totally agree with this xD I don't have anything against Justin Bieber as a person, I don't know him so what gives me the right to judge him? Nothing. It's really the hype that I dislike, all these little fangirls going completely bananas over him. That's what annoys the crap outta me. Oh,and I really don't like his music either =P

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 10:34 pm
by Lauren
Comment removed.

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 10:35 pm
by Nitro
Bieber's lyrics are okay, it's just his voice I don't like. The first time I heard "Baby" over the radio, I thought Taylor Swift had gone homosexual (no offense to anyone). As for Rebecca Black, it's catchy but the lyrics are way too shallow. I mean seriously, "which seat should I take?" W.T.F?

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 10:36 pm
by WildSimba
*ahem* It's What Seat CAN I Take? :P

Re: Justin Bieber/Rebecca Black

PostPosted: May 13th, 2011, 10:39 pm
by Jiirani
Lol. Friday is waaay too catchy. I have it on my MP3 player now, lol, even if it's stupid and sounds like a four year old tried to write about their day.