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Re: Martial Arts

PostPosted: January 15th, 2014, 10:33 pm
by Tsuki
I use to do Taekwon-do and loved it :D. But unfortunately my doctor told me I should stop due to the fact I'm on medication that thins my bones so there was a greater chance of me breaking a bone :(. Such a shame as I got so much out of it and really loved it. I may take up Tai Chi as it's a none contact martial art which may be good :)

Re: Martial Arts

PostPosted: November 30th, 2016, 5:16 am
by Gemini
I was on a competition judo team for about 6 weeks in my first year of college. That was honestly the most intense **** in my life probably. I was working out a ton for that. Ended up stopping though since I just had too many other things and I wasn't enjoying it all that much after a point. I did really like the techniques though and the people were really cool.

I'd be willing to maybe try BJJ at some point since it's somewhat similar. Just maybe something a little more laid-back than a competition team though, jfc. :ocwap: