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Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 9:24 pm
by SlayerOfLight
@woeler well, you believe it's just a hallucination, which in some cases are. but I think there are also demonic attacks. and I don't need science to prove to me that it isn't real, because I don't listen to the doctrines of men only. of course I'm open to them, but that doesn't mean I accept all of it. Many people who have been through horrific cases of sleep paralysis, always tell about an evil dark figure, more blacker then black, with a pure-evil sphere arround it. the things people have been through, can't be hallucinations for me, these are like pictures that come out of the book. while hallucinations are the pictures that REMAIN in the book because they aren't real. I think scientists, need to open up a little and think more ''out of the box'' instead of trying to proof everything they dont believe in, as hallucinations.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 9:34 pm
by Woeler
^there is no thinking outside the box when there is simply no proof. Your arguments are based on belief and mine are based on facts, that is why this discussion will never end. You choose to believe, I choose to know.

If I had sleep paralysis and I tell that I was attacked by a giant role of ducttape, would you believe me? Nobody would ever KNOW. As ridiculous as it sounds, it has the same probability of being true than the demon stories you tell. And that is the tricky part of believing. Believing allows you to choose your preference as knowing does not.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 9:45 pm
by SlayerOfLight
@woeler well, even the things based on pure belief must have at least some source of truth in it. there are no more atheists then there are people who believe in demons. and not everything from science is a fact, they are mostly theories with supporting evidence, (thats why many call them facts) but never can they be 100% certain.

being an atheist is probally one of the easiest things on earth. why? because the media, television, and even local schools have force-fed us with their doctrines all our lives, while the supernatural doesn't and occurs behind the curtain where scientists and atheist have carved a mark that says: ''halt''.

dont get me wrong though, this is just the way I think.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 9:52 pm
by Woeler
Uhm, that makes me kinda mad, because scientists actually work and find out to get their results and all they publish is fact and done in a proper way. Not to mention it takes a lot of time. Saying you believe something is rather easy to me, I mean you just believe. You don't need any proof or whatsoever. Atheism sure isn't the easy way. IMO believing in this sleep paralysis demon is like the easy way out. No research done, just a speculation. Nobody has ever known for sure what this being is. and neither do you or anyone who experienced it. Or did you happen to ask it? Scientists actually work to get their results and to publish their facts. does belief give us sustainable energy? no. Does belief give us spacetravel? no. Does belief help us to better understand the earth, cosmos and all in it? no.

think again about who chose the hard way.
really this drives me kinda mad.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 10:52 pm
by SlayerOfLight
@woeler who says believing is easy? it has NEVER been easy at all, and it still isn't. And what differs you from me is that you listen to others who conclude facts, and I draw my own conclusions based on my OWN life-experience. I used to believe all those scientific things for like 16 years. I still do a little bit, but I gave most scientific theories like evolution up because I simply dont feel everything is true in it. my own life-experience tells me there is more then science. And like I said before, I don't judge the WHOLE science. maybe they have some source of truth at many things, and as well discovered many things. but I CAN'T agree with you on everything.

and I dont wanna go off-topic and turn this debate into a ''does god excist'' type of forum because I dont wanna have this forum locked yet. If you are mad, (which dissapoints me a bit) be free to discuss your anger issues with me through pm or something, but not here please.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 10:57 pm
by Woeler
I dont want to do this either. I have my facts straight about this. You're not only going after me by saying that but after the whole atheistic community not to mention scientists. Those people work for your everyday comfort but I'm not going to discus that either. If you think it's easy, do whatever you want. I can assure you it's not, at least not in this world.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 11:09 pm
by SlayerOfLight
@woeler did it take that hard for you to notice that atheism and theism don't go fine with each other? and like I said maybe a couple of hundred times, I do NOT judge the whole science. And please, don't try to make me feel guilty by claiming they work for my comfort. They are just doing their job what they are payed for in return. But I hope you haven't forgotten how science also put ALL our lives on the stake with their crazy CERN experiments under the ground, only to try and prove there is no such thing as anything supernatural.

And I'm sorry if you feel offended this quickly about your atheistic beliefs. if you got something else to say about this, then do so in pm or something.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 18th, 2012, 11:26 pm
by Woeler

And I'm sorry if you feel offended this quickly about your atheistic beliefs. if you got something else to say about this, then do so in pm or something.[/quote]
This is the last thing i'm gonna say about this in public.
I mean really? Calling atheism the easy way out? Then tell me i get offended very quickly? You just called Albert Einstein easy, you just called stephen hawking easy and you just called charles darwin easy. Believe me people have called me names on here and told me to go re-educate myself, i simply dont care. But to shout out something completely random not to mention a bit dumb really gets me mad. Don't judge what you don't know.

Rest -> pm

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: January 30th, 2012, 3:36 am
by Ozy
I was excited to reply to this topic, but then the piddling contest happened above. Not gonna read all that so I will ignore it and reply to original post topic, yes?

It's happened to me a few times, where I can't move and try to scream but can't, no matter what I do. Like my eyes are open and I'm in my bed but I can't move a muscle. I think I read somewhere that it occurs when your mind wakes up before your physical body. So, you can't move your muscles, but your mind is awake.

Re: Sleep paralysis?

PostPosted: February 11th, 2012, 7:59 pm
by Panthera Arohanui
It's definitely happened once at least for me, and I remember the sensation of being unable to move and the sensation of absolute terror. I remember that I thought/dreamed that there was a huge funnel of cobwebs surrounding me and I could not get out--believe me, it would've given that spider scene in Chamber of Secrets a run for its money--or spiders, as the case may be. I'm amazed I didn't get PTSD from this sleep paralysis, which apparently can and has happened in the past.

What about the sensation of the earth moving or hearing something in your dreams that you know is not a good thing? I know whenever I dream there's a huge quake, I can often feel it as well, even though there isn't an earthquake in reality. However, there's no real sensation of terror around it, so I guess it wouldn't really come under sleep paralysis. :hmm4: